Madsen Pirie

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Dr (Duncan) Madsen Pirie is President of the Adam Smith Institute, and was one of the Institute's three founbders in 1977.

Pirie is a graduate of the universities of Edinburgh, St Andrews and Pembroke College Cambridge.

Following this Dr Pirie moved to the United States where he worked for the House of Representatives in Washington DC, and was Distinguished Visiting Professor of Logic and Philosophy at Hillsdale College in Michigan.

At the Institute, Dr Pirie was part of the influential team which pioneered privatisation and the extension of market choices and incentives. His work in helping to develop the Citizen's Charter led to his appointment to the Prime Minister's Advisory Panel from 1991-1995.

Dr Pirie is author of several books including "How to Win Every Argument", "The Book of the Fallacy", "Micropolitics", "Privatisation in Theory and Practice" and "Blueprint for a Revolution". With his colleague Dr. Eamonn Butler, he has co- authored a series of books on IQ, including "The Sherlock Holmes IQ Book".

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  1. ^ Ed Pearce 'The prophet of private profit' Dr Madsen Pirie is a head of the Adam Smith Institute, and a passionate advocate of a free market in practically everything. Yet Guardian readers might still like the man, Guardian Unlimited, Monday April 19, 1993.