Frank Furedi: List of Publications
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This page compiles publications by Frank Furedi, Professor of sociology at the University of Kent, the intellectual guru of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency/Revolutionary Communist Party/Living Marxism and the LM network. The list includes materials originally published under Furedi's Party names Frank Richards and Linda Ryan.
Books and pamphlets
- Frank Furedi, "Soviet Union Demystified: A Materialist Analysis", Junius Publications., 1986
- Frank Furedi The Mau Mau War in Perspective, James Currey Publishers, 1989
- Frank Furedi, "Mythical Past - Elusive Future: History and Society in an Anxious Age", Pluto Press, 1991
- Frank Furedi, 'The New Ideology of Imperialism: Renewing the Moral Imperative, Pluto Press, 1994
- Frank Furedi, 'Colonial Wars and the Politics of Third World Nationalism, IB Tauris, 1994
- Frank Furedi, 'Population and Development: A Critical Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, 1997
- Frank Furedi, "Culture of Fear: Risk-taking and the Morality of Low Expectation", Continuum International Publishing Group - Academi, 1997
- Frank Furedi, "The Silent War: Imperialism and the Changing Perception of Race", Pluto Press, 1998
- Frank Furedi, 'Courting Mistrust: The Hidden Growth of a Culture of Litigation in Britain, Centre for Policy Studies, 1999
- Frank Furedi, "Paranoid Parenting: Why Ignoring the Experts May Be Best for Your Child", A Cappella Publishing, 2002
- Frank Furedi "Culture of Fear: Risk Taking and the Morality of Low Expectation", Continuum International Publishing Group - Academi, 2002
- Frank Furedi, "Therapy Culture: Cultivating Vulnerability in an Uncertain Age", Routledge, 2003
- Frank Furedi, "Where Have All the Intellectuals Gone?: Confronting 21st Century Philistinism", Continuum International Publishing Group - Academi, 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'The Politics of Fear. Beyond Left and Right, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Invitation to Terror: The Expanding Empire of the Unknown, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2007.
- Frank Furedi and Jennie Bristow Licensed to Hug: How child protection policies are poisoning the relationship between the generations and damaging the voluntary sector, London: Civitas, June 2008. 'This publication has been made possible by a grant from the Nigel Lord Vinson Charitable Trust'
- Frank Furedi, Roger Kimball, Raymond Tallis, Edited by Robert Whelan, From Two cultures to No culture, March 2009, London: Civitas.
- Frank Furedi, 'Wasted: Why Education Isn't Educating, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2009.
Journal articles and Book chapters
- Frank Furedi, ‘The Downsizing of Intellectual Authority’, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 172-178, ISSN 1369-8230 print/1743-8772 online, Winter 2003
- Frank Furedi, Reflections on the Medicalisation of Social Experience - A Reply to Phillip Hodson, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, Vol. 32, No. 3, August 2004
Popular press and web publications
- Frank Furedi, It's Just a Failure of Nerve, New Statesman, 10 January 2000
- Frank Furedi, A Review of ‘The Problem of Race in the 21st Century’ by Thomas C. Holt, New Statesman, 23 April 2001
- Frank Furedi, Making Sense of Parental Paranoia - an extract from Paranoid Parenting, The Guardian, 25 April 2001
- Frank Furedi, A Review of ‘In the Wake of the Plague: the Black Death and the World it Made’ by Norman Cantor, Simon & Schuster, New Statesman, 21 May 2001
- Frank Furedi, Culture Wars Hit the Nursery, New Statesman, 28 May 2001
- Frank Furedi, Epidemic of Fear- We Were Scared to Death Long Before 11 September, Spiked, 15 March 2002
- Frank Furedi, A Review of ‘The Politics of the Forked Tongue: Authoritarian Liberalism’ by Aidan Rankin, New Statesman, 14 October 2002
- Frank Furedi, A Review of ‘Respect: The Formation of Character in an Age of Inequality’ by Richard Sennett, New Statesman, 10 February, 2003
- Frank Furedi, Assessment versus Intellect, The Guardian, 25 March 2003
- Frank Furedi, The Children Who Won’t Grow Up, Spiked 29 July 2003
- Frank Furedi, Diana Syndrome - We Get The Conspiracies We Deserve, The Independent, 11 January 2004
- Frank Furedi, Sever the Ties That Bind Young Minds, Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 January 2004
- Frank Furedi, Don’t Underestimate Managers Ability to Treat You as an Idiot, Times Higher Education Supplement, 30 January 2004
- Frank Furedi, The Politics of the Lonely Crowd - Protest Movements Get Personal, Spiked, 9 March 2004
- Frank Furedi, They Expect Me to Make Life Easier, Times Higher Education Supplement, 30 April 2004
- Frank Furedi, Heroes of the Hour, New Scientist, 8 May 2004
- Frank Furedi, Call Yourself Cosmopolitan?, Times Higher Education Supplement, 28 May 2004
- Frank Furedi, The Degree is Loosing Its Meaning, The Daily Telegraph, 9 June 2004
- Frank Furedi, Punishing Parents, Spiked, 7 July 2004
- Frank Furedi, Why I Fear Lowering Entry Criteria for Foreign Students Could Destroy Universities, Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 July 2004
- Frank Furedi, The Sixties Myth, Spiked, 3 August 2004
- Frank Furedi, Plagiarism Stems From a Loss of Scholarly Ideals, Times Higher Education Supplement, 6 August 2004
- Frank Furedi, The Politics of Fear, Spiked, 28 October 2004
- Frank Furedi, Downsizing the Status of Science, The Scientist, 8 November 2004
- Frank Furedi, Our Goodwill Counts for Nothing on the List, 17 December 2004
- Frank Furedi, A Blast from the Past, The Daily Telegraph, 15 January 2005
- Frank Furedi, Parliament Magazine, 31 January 2005
- Frank Furedi, Citizens Can’t be Made in Class, The Daily Telegraph, 3 February 2005
- Frank Furedi, You’d Better Make Some Noise While You Can, Times Higher Education Supplement, 11 February 2005
- Frank Furedi, The New Chief Inquisitor on Campus, Spiked, 16 February 2005
- Frank Furedi, Our Unhealthy Obsession with Sickness, Spiked, 23 March 2005
- Frank Furedi, Times Higher Education Supplement, 25 March 2005, Times Higher Education Supplement, 25 March 2005
- Frank Furedi, None of Them Knows What We’re Thinking, Spiked, 4 May 2005
- Frank Furedi, For Accreditation, See Indoctrination, Times Higher Education Supplement, 6 May 2005
- Frank Furedi, The Reawakening of European Democracy, Spiked, 31 May 2005
- Frank Furedi, From Europe to America: The Populist Moment Has Arrived, Spiked, 13 June 2005
- Frank Furedi, Saying the Public Doesn’t Understand the Ideals of the EU Expresses Profound Contempt, New Statesman, 13 June 2005
- Frank Furedi, A Degree is Now a Rite of Passage, Times Higher Education Supplement, 17 June 2005
- Frank Furedi, Behind the Executive Smoke Screen, Sunday Herald, 3 July 2005
- Frank Furedi, I Don’t Want to Meet the Parents, Times Higher Education Supplement, 29 July 2005
- Frank Furedi, Fear? We’re Revelling in It, The Times, 30 July 2005
- Frank Furedi, The Sum of Our Fears, The Sydney Morning Herald 6 August 2005
- Frank Furedi, When Fear Leaves Us Paralysed, The Guardian, 4 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, The Blame Game, BBC News Magazine, 6 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, Dissent? Not Today, Thank You, Times Higher Education Supplement, 9 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, Politics of Fear, Spiked, 15 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid… No, Don’t, Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, The Market of Fear, Spiked, 26 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, The Rise of the Rising Sun, BBC History, September 2005
- Frank Furedi, Forget SARS, West Nile, Ebola and Avian Flu. The Real Epidemic is Fear, Macleans, 29 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, Why Do We Fear Freedom?, Spiked, 18 October 2005
- Frank Furedi, Bird Flu Prophets of Doom Spread Nothing But Needless Alarm, Daily Express, 18 October 2005
- Frank Furedi, Give Them a Little Textual Pleasure, Times Higher Education Supplement, 21 October 2005
- Frank Furedi, Welcome To This New Age of Deference, The Times, 25 October 2005
- Frank Furedi, French Lessons for Us All, Spiked, 8 November 2005
- Frank Furedi, On the Hunt for a Conspiracy Theory, The Christian Science Monitor, 16 November 2005
- Frank Furedi, The Age of Unreason, Spectator, 18 November 2005
- Frank Furedi, Debased By This Soulless Culture, Daily Express, 10 January 2006
- Frank Furedi, The Curious Rise of Anti-Religious Hysteria, Spiked, 23 January, 2006
- Frank Furedi, The Holocaust Should Not Be for Sale, The Daily Telegraph, 26 January 2006
- Frank Furedi, In Pursuit of the Happy Bunnies, Times Higher Education Supplement, 27 January 2006
- Frank Furedi, Living in Fear, Lost for Words, The Age, 28 January 2006
- Frank Furedi, Who's Doing the Homework?, The Daily Telegraph, 8 February 2006
- Frank Furedi, Hollow Words: ‘Role model’, The First Post, 9 March 2006
- Frank Furedi, Hollow Words: ‘Holistic’, The First Post, 16 March 2006
- Frank Furedi, Hollow Words: ‘Transparent’, The First Post, 23 March 2006
- Frank Furedi, Humanist With a Stir in Many Camps, The Australian, 25 March 2006
- Frank Furedi, What's Wrong With Cheats, The Guardian, 28 March 2006
- Frank Furedi, Hollow Words: ‘Vision’, The First Post, 5 April 2006
- Frank Furedi, Confronting the New Misanthropy, Spiked, 18 April 2006