Council for Emerging National Security Affairs

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In a June 2010 article in The Sunday Times, journalist Isabel Oakeshott explained that:

About a quarter of the members listed on [CENSA's] website have a background in intelligence. They include Matthew Thompson, a former CIA analyst in the Directorate of Intelligence; Jeff Benson, who worked in the US Office of Naval Intelligence; Sean Bielat, who serves in the United States Marine Corps Reserve as an intelligence watch officer; and Paul Crespo, who served as a defence and naval attaché at American embassies in the Balkans, the Gulf and Latin America. Coffey was encouraged to establish a London chapter by one of his former army commanders.[1]



Notable members include:


Board of Directors

Michael Fenzel Chairman | Angela Sapp Vice Chairman | Bryan Cummings | Scott Fitzgerald | Samuel Cole | William Robison | Peter Barschdorff | Peter Clark | James Kirkhope | Krishna Kumar | Paul Lafontaine | Donald Rich | Roger Carstens | Keith Mines[3]


2006-2007 Board of Directors at a Glance

Michael Fenzel Chairman | Angela Sapp Vice Chairman | Bryan Cummings | Scott Fitzgerald | Samuel Cole | William Robison | Peter Barschdorff | Peter Clark | James Kirkhope | Krishna Kumar | Paul Lafontaine | Donald Rich | Roger Carstens | Keith Mines[5]



  1. Isabel Oakeshott , "Minister lets US ‘mole’ roam MoD", The Sunday Times, 06.06.10, accessed 12.09.10
  2. CENSA, "Membership directory", accessed 12.09.10
  4. Membership Directory, Sean McFate, Censa, Accessed 04-June-2009
  6. Membership Directory, Sean McFate, Censa, Accessed 04-June-2009