Counter-Terrorism Portal

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Since the attacks of 9/11 and 7/7, the British government has established and implemented a series of policies and strategies aimed at countering the threat of Islamic inspired terrorism. Whilst the majority of policies have been introduced for this purposes alone, there have also been a variety of policies implemented under the guise of countering terrorism, which have facilitated the undermining and erosion of civil liberties, such as the right to protest and the right to privacy.

The aim of this portal therefore is to provide academics, analysts, practitioners, students and all other interested parties alternative, up-to-date and rigorous information on British counter-terrorism policies, strategies and practices.

Special focus will be paid not only to the work conducted by governmental organisations and departments, but to the work conducted by academics, think-tanks, voluntary organisations, Islamic organisations and Islamic charities on issues surrounding counter-terrorism, especially the Prevent strand of Contest 2

The Counter-Terrorism Portal is closely related to the portals on the Israel Lobby, Neoconservatives, Northern Ireland, Propaganda, Spooks and Terror Expertise.

The Editors of the Counter-Terrorism Portal are Rizwaan Sabir and David Miller.

Powerbase has a policy of strict referencing and is overseen by an Managing editor and an Editor.

Priority pages on Counter-Terrorism

This article is part of the Counter-Terrorism Portal project of Spinwatch.

UK Counter-Terrorism: An Overview

The UK has a long history of dealing with domestic terrorism, most notably due to its experience of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. The threat to British national security during the Troubles was posed by Republican paramilitary organisations, most notably by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and its affiliates.

In the 1970s, when the Troubles spilled onto the British mainland, the UK enacted a series of counterterrorism measures, such as Internment, the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act (1973-96) and the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act (1974-2000).

After various attempts at bringing peace had failed, the the Good Friday Agreement was finally signed in April 1998 and ended the Troubles. The current threat from Irish paramilitary organisations is limited to a small number of Republican splinter groups, such as the Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA).

When the Prevention of Terrorism Act expired in 2000, according to Clive Walker – “its replacement became an acute issue”. [1] As a consequence, it was replaced by a permanent act – TheTerrorism Act 2000, which became the “bedrock” of the anti-terror legislation for the UK.[2]

In direct response to the events of 9/11, a series of other legislations were also enacted by the UK government, such as the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, the Criminal Justice Act 2003, the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 , the Terrorism Act 2006 and the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008. The objective behind the enactments of these legislations was to ensure that the UK was protected from events, such as 9/11 unfolding on its territory.

In 2003, the government initiated a four pronged counter-terrorism strategy known as Contest (2003-09). It’s ultimate objective was to "reduce the risk from international terrorism, so that people could go about their daily lives freely and with confidence." [3] After the attacks of 7 July, 2005 however, the government felt that it had to do more to prevent people from turning towards terrorism and therefore, in 2009, replaced Contest with Contest 2, which was similar to Contest, but more focused on Preventing Violent Extremism. At present, there are numerous community led projects and organisational initiatives focusing on Prevent.

UK Gov't Counter-Terrorism Organisations

Security Service (MI5) | Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6) | GCHQ | Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre | RICU | Scottish Preventing Violent Extremism Unit |Muslim Contact Unit | Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command | Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism

Think Tanks involved in Counter-Terrorism

Centre for Social Cohesion | Centre for Defence and International Security | CSTPV | Chatham House | European Council on Foreign Relations | Institute for Public Policy Research | Institute for Strategic Dialogue | Institute of Race Relations | Oxford Research Group | Policy Exchange | RAND (Europe) | Royal United Services Institute | The Social Affairs Unit |

Muslim/Islamic Organisations involved in Counter-Terrorism

Al Manaar | Amal Trust | An Nisa Society | Association of Muslim Lawyers | Forum Against Islamaphobia & Racism | Islamic Human Rights Commission | MPACUK | Muslim Association of Britain | Active Change Foundation |

Counter-Terrorism Legislation

Terrorism Act 2000 | Anti-Terrorism Crime & Security Act 2001 | The Criminal Justice Act 2003 | The Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 | Terrorism Act 2006 | Counter-Terrorism Act 2008|


All pages associated with the Counter-Terrorism Portal are listed here.

There are also a number of distinct sub-categories listed below. You can click on any of these links to display an A-Z list of all pages in that category.

Recommended Reading

  • Steve Hewitt (2007) The British War on Terror: Terrorism and Counterterrorism on the Home Front since 9-11 [Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd]
  • Liz Fekete (2009) A Suitable Enemy: Racism, Migration and Islamaphobia in Europe [Pluto Press]

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