Steve Tatham

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Steve Tatham is a Naval Officer and expert in military public relations and strategic communication. He was a public spokesman for the British Military in Sierra Leone (2000), Afghanistan (2001-2002) and Iraq (2003)[1]. He is the current Director of Communication Research at the UK Defence Academy's Advanced Research and Assessment Group and is a leading proponent of the doctrine of strategic communication[2]. In 2009 he was seconded to the Joint Intelligence Organisation in the Cabinet Office on "advanced Horizon Scanning Research on the UK National Security Strategy (2) project" [3].

Strategic Communication

Tatham is the author of "Strategic Communication: A Primer" [4], the British Military's first articulation of Strategic Communication doctrine

Publications and Projects

Arab media propaganda project

Tatham lists the following videos as part of a 6 month project with 3 Arab TV channels in Afghanistan on "defeating the AQ [Al Qaeda] image of "The Crusader" [5]




  1. Steve Tatham: Strategic Communication, Steve Tatham website, accessed 03/01/10
  2. Steve Tatham: Strategic Communication, Steve Tatham website, accessed 03/01/10
  3. Steve Tatham: Strategic Communication, Steve Tatham website, accessed 03/01/10
  4. Tatham, S.(2008)Strategic Communication: A Primer Advanced Research and Assessment Group Special Series(08/28), accessed 05/10/09
  5. Steve Tatham: Publications and Projects, Steve Tatham website, accessed 05/02/10
  6. Steve Tatham: Publications and Projects, Steve Tatham website, accessed 05/02/10
  7. International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation: Associate Fellows, ICSR Website, accessed 05/02/10
  8. Steve Tatham: Strategic Communication, Steve Tatham website, accessed 05/02/10
  9. Steve Tatham: Strategic Communication, Steve Tatham website, accessed 05/02/10