Chambré Public Affairs LLP

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Chambré Public Affairs is a Belfast-based lobbying firm with lots of clients in the health sector.


Lobbying clients listed in 2008 include:[1]
General Medical Council | Enterprise Northern Ireland | Bryson Charitable Group | Bryson Social Services | Northern Ireland Energy Agency | Health Foundation | Shingles Support Society | Sanofi Pasteur MSD | Lilly UK | Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry | Ulster Cancer Foundation | Royal British Legion | NESTA | Boehringer Ingelheim | Freight Transport Association | British Dental Association | Skills for Logistics | Baglady Productions | ASDA | Consumer Focus Post

Chambre therefore works for a number of big pharmaceutical clients, as well as patient groups, although it doesn't disclose which pharma companies fund these patient groups. The relationships between these charities and the pharmaceutical companies is not clear:

Chambre also works for the Northern Health & Social Services Board, which is responsible for both health and social care in the north of Northern Ireland. This leads to potential conflict of interest as both the patient groups and the pharma companies which pay Chambre have a vested interest in influencing the behaviour of the Board in relation to, say, autism or mental health, both areas where Chambre clients have interests.



