Ziad Abdelnour

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Ziad Abdelnour is the the founding member and president of United States Committee for a Free Lebanon. He is also listed as an expert on the hardline Zionist Middle East Forum's website. With Daniel Pipes he is the co-Publisher of Middle East Intelligence Bulletin. He is the son of wealthy Lebanese Minister of Parliament Khalil Abdel Nour. He is the son of Lebanese industrialist and former MP Khalil Abdelnour (1992-2000) and the nephew of former Lebanese financier and MP Salem Abdelnour (1960-1964 and 1972-1992).[1]


In an interview with Trish Schuh, he said:

Iran? We will not let Iran become a nuclear power. We'll find a way, we'll find an excuse- to get rid of Iran. And I don't care what the excuse is. There is no room for rogue states in the world. Whether we lie about it, or invent something, or we don't... I don't care. The end justifies the means. What's right? Might is right, might is right. That's it. Might is right...
And Iran's going to be finished and every single Arab regime that's like this will be finished. Because there is no room for us capitalists and multinationalists in the world to operate with regimes like this. Its all about money. And power. And wealth... and democracy has to be spread around the world. Those who want to espouse globalization are going to make a lot of money, be happy, their families will be happy. And those who aren't going to play this game are going to be crushed, whether they like it or not! This is how we rule. And this is how it's going to be as long as you have people who think like me.

Regarding the plans for regime change in Syria and Lebanon he added:

The end justifies the means. I don't care about how it's done. The important thing is that it is done. I don't rule out force. I'm not against force. If it's an option, it will be an option... I have -- we have -- absolutely no problem with heavy US involvement in Lebanon. On an economic level, military level, political level, security level... whatever it is. Israel is the 51st state of the United States. Let Lebanon be the 52nd state. And if the Arabs don't like it, tough luck.[2]


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^Biography of Ziad K. Abdelnour ^Trish Schuh, Faking the Case Against Syria, Counterpunch, November 18, 2005