Economic Freedom Network
Economic freedom is the extent to which one can pursue economic activity without interference from government. Economic freedom is built upon personal choice, voluntary exchange, the right to keep what you earn, and the security of your property rights" The Fraser Institute [1]
Institutions involved in the Economic Freedom Network are:TIGRA of Austria;The Albanian Center for Economic Research;Center for New Europe, Belgium;Fundacion Libertad in Argentina;Liberalni Institut of the Czech Republic; the Center for Politiske Studier, Denmark;The Institute of Public Affairs in Australia; The Nassau Institute, Bahamas; The Estonian Institute for Open Society Research;Making Our Economy Right in Bangladesh;Association pour la Liberté Economique et le Progrès Social (ALEPS) in France; Scientific Research Mises Center of Belarus; Liberales Institut of Germany; Fundación Libertad, Democracia y Desarrollo in Bolivia; Szazadveg Policy Research Center in Hungary; Instituto Liberal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil; Centro Einaudi in Italy; Institute for Market Economics in Bulgaria; Lithuanian Free Market Institute in Lithuania; Instituto Libertad y Desarrollo in Chile; Fundación DL in Columbia;Centrum im. Adama Smitha in Poland; The F.A. Hayek Foundation in Slovakia; Instituto para la Libertad y el Análisis de PolÃticas in Costa Rica;the Open Republic Institute in Ireland; Timbro in Sweden; The Institute of Economics in Croatia; The Institute of Economic Affairs in the UK; Fundación EconomÃa y Desarrollo, Inc. in the Dominican republic; Instituto Ecuatoriano de EconomÃa PolÃtica in Ecuador; Society for Disseminating Economic Knowledge: New Economic School in Georgia; The Institute of Economic Affairs in Ghana; Centro de Investigaciones Económicas Nacionales in Guatemala; The Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research; The Institute of Economic Studies in Iceland; The Centre for Civil Society in India; The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies in Israel; The African Research Center for Public Policy and Market Process in kenya; Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo A.C. in Mexico; The Center for Free Enterprise in Korea; The New Zealand Business Roundtable; Institute of Public Policy Analysis in Nigeria; The Alternate Solutions Institute in Pakistan; The Center for Research and Communication in the Phillipines; The Romania Think Tank; Institute of Economic Analysis in Russia; Free Market Centre in Serbia;The Free Market Foundation of Southern Africa; The Pathfinder Foundation in Sri Lanka;Liberales Institut in Switzerland; Institute of Business in Trinidad and Tobago; The Association for Liberal Thinking; The Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research; Center for the Dissemination of Economic Knowledge (CEDICE)in Venezuala;The Fraser Institute in Canada; and the Cato Institute in the USA.