Drinkaware Trust

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The Drinkaware Trust, formerly the Portman Group's charitable division. The new Drinkaware Trust (Drinkaware) has been inplace since 1st January 2007. Governed by 13 independent Trustees, ranging from alcohol experts from the health, education and voluntary sectors as well as from the drinks industry. With the mission to construct and implement an alcohol harm reduction proggramme and to promote responsible drinking.

They will be tasked with devising and delivering a programme to tackle alcohol harm and promote responsible drinking. The alcohol industry has pledged £12 million to the charity over the next three years and will also throw its significant weight behind promoting the charity’s consumer information website www.drinkaware.co.uk in advertising, at point of sale and on product labels. [1]






  1. ^ The Drinkaware trustBackground and Origins Jan 2007
  2. ^ FAME Company Report The Drinkaware Trust Accessed April 2007