Civil Nuclear Constabulary

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The Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) is the police force responsible for protecting civil nuclear licensed sites and safe-guarding nuclear materials and nuclear site operators.

Whereas other police forces are overseen by the Home Office, the CNC is under the authority of the Civil Nuclear Police Authority (CNPA) which operates under the strategic direction of the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC). The function of the CNPA is to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the Civil Nuclear Constabulary. [1] It is currently headed by former Foreign Office terrorism expert Richard Thompson.


Until 1 April 2005 the CNC was known as the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary(UKAEAC) was responsible for policing at all UKAEA, BNFL, URENCO premises and powers throughout Great Britain whilst escorting movements of nuclear material.[2]


According to The Mail on Sunday the CNC has been carrying out strategic reviews to prepare for the Civil Nuclear Constabulary's planned expansion into the Critical National Infrastructure Police. This new force will reportedly mount armed patrols around all key installations nationwide, including power stations, phone and computer networks, oil and gas pipelines, ports and airports.[3]


The Constabulary is funded by the nuclear industry which was due to pay £57 million towards its upkeep in 2009. It is overseen by the Civil Nuclear Police Authority which is also funded by the industry.[4]

Covert Operations

The Guardian reported in October 2009, that the force was authorised to carry out covert operations against anti-nuclear protestors:

The force is authorised to send informers to infiltrate organisations and to conduct undercover surveillance under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA). It is also permitted to obtain communications data such as phone numbers and email addresses.[5]



  1. CNC Website, Who are the CNC? (Accessed 11 August 2008)
  2. CNC Website, Who are the CNC? (Accessed 11 August 2008)
  3. Jason Lewis, 'Anti-terror patrols secretly stepped up at power stations', The Mail on Sunday, 10 August 2008
  4. Rob Evans, Secret files reveal covert network run by nuclear police,, 20 October 2009.
  5. Rob Evans, Secret files reveal covert network run by nuclear police,, 20 October 2009.