Libertarian Alliance

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The Libertarian Alliance is one of a network of free market organisations. Its slogan is 'For Life, Liberty and Property' and it is affiliated to the Libertarian International.

Conference Programme 2005

Its links can be seen from its conference programme for 2005[1]

Dr Chris R. Tame,Founder and Director, The Libertarian Alliance


  • Mattias Bengston - "Statism: The Swedish Model and Its Lessons"
  • Prof. Gabriel Calzada - "The Privatisation of Defense"
  • Dr. Ben Cosin - "National Health Socialism: A Critique"
  • Prof. Frank Van Dunn - "Personal Freedom, Corporate Liberties: An Uneasy Mix"
  • Dr. Richard Ebeling - "Austrian School Economics and the Political Economy of Freedom"
  • Dr. Sean Gabb - "Cultural Revolution and Culture War"
  • Dr. Syed Kamall MEP - "The Dilemmas of a Free Trade Liberal in the European Parliament"
  • Sacha Kumaria - "Think Tanks and the Movement for Liberty"
  • Christian Michel - "Mafiosi and Oligarchs: The Making and the Unmaking of a Russian Legend"
  • Dr. Julian Morris - "Environmental Problems: Myths and Reality"
  • William Thomas - "Ayn Rand and the Values of Liberty"

The Annual Liberty Awards:


  1. (Accessed 8 November 2005 [1]