Syed Kamall

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Syed Kamall, MEP

Syed Kamall (born 15 February 1967, London) is a British MEP for London from Conservative and Unionist Party (since 12.05.2005).[1]


Parliamentary Affiliations

20.07.2009 / ... : Committee on Constitutional Affairs
12.05.2005 / 13.07.2009 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
22.06.2005 / 26.10.2005 : Committee on Legal Affairs
27.10.2005 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on International Trade
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on International Trade
31.01.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on International Trade
18.02.2008 / 18.05.2008 : Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
14.07.2009 / ... : European Conservatives and Reformists
16.07.2009 / 19.07.2009 : Committee on Constitutional Affairs
16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee
13.06.2005 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
13.06.2005 / 13.03.2007 : Delegation for relations with Canada
13.06.2005 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
31.01.2007 / 03.06.2008 : Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
14.03.2007 / 06.04.2008 : Delegation for relations with Canada
07.04.2008 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation for relations with Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and to the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee
19.05.2008 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
04.06.2008 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
21.07.2009 / ... : Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
21.07.2009 / ... : Committee on International Trade
16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union
16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean
08.10.2009 / ... : Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis[2]

Record and Controversies

Declaration of Financial Interests

Professional Activities:

Paid Functions or Activities:

  • Occasional small payments for media appearances which I have then donated to the charity.
  • I have taken part in market research interviews and appeared on the media for which a fee was paid directly to one of the charities: Kitchen Table Charities Trust or Touraid

Further Information:

  • Loan of Zune MP4 player by Microsoft
  • Loan of USB dongle by Three Communications.
  • Corporate tickets (including lunch, cheese and biscuits and coffee) to see Rugby Union match England versus France. Paid for by the Rugby Football Union, Rugby House, Rugby Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 1DS in March 2009
  • Return flight from London to Indianapolis, hotel accommodation and meals to attend Liberty Fund Conference in May 2009[3]

Former Declaration of Financial Interests

Professional Activities:

Paid Functions or Activities:

  • Occasional small payments for media appearances which I have then donated to the charity.
  • I have taken part in market research interviews and appeared on the media for which a fee was paid directly to one of the charities: Kitchen Table Charities Trust or Touraid

Further Information:

  • Loan of Zune MP4 player by Microsoft
  • Loan of Nokia E61 PDA by Three Communications
  • Loan of USB dongle by Three Communications
  • Dinner and soft drinks as guest of the Washington DC Tories (Conservatives Abroad).
  • Lunch, dinner and tour of "Margaret Mitchell's House" paid for by UPS in Atlanta, May 2008
  • Tour of Coca-Cola Museum and lunch with Coca-Cola executives, courtesy of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola also kindly provided transport to and from Atlanta airport. May 2008
  • Flights and accommodation for annual meeting provided by the American Legislative Exchange Council in July 2008
  • International Legislator of the Year award sent to me by the American Legislative Exchange Council
  • Dinner provided by UPS in November 2008
  • Breakfast paid for by BT India in Delhi, November 2008
  • Charles Jourdan watch sent to me out of the blue by the Government of Kuwait[4]

Record of Parliamentary Votes

Date Name of Document MEPs Vote
13.03.2012 Should there be an obligatory quota of at least 40% (by 2020) of female representation in the management boards imposed on companies? Against
16.02.2012 Should the European Parliament have a single seat (instead of two, Strasbourg and Brussels)? Absent
15.02.2012 Should the Eurozone Member States pool their public debts by creating Eurobonds? Didn't vote
15.12.2011 Should public access to EU documents be made easier? For
14.12.2011 Should the EU have a stronger and united defence policy? Against
17.11.2011 Should nuclear energy be phased out? Against
25.10.2011 Should a global tax on carbon emissions be introduced? Against
28.09.2011 Should the European Commission supervise the budgets and economic policies of the Member States and apply sanctions for non-compliance with EU-agreed rules on fiscal discipline? Absent
05.07.2011 Should the cultivation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the EU be made more restrictive? Against
20.10.2010 Should the minimum length of the maternity leave on full pay be extended from 14 to 20 weeks? Against
09.02.2010 Should the proposed Barosso II Commission be appointed for the 2009-2014 term? Abstain

Personal Information

Curriculum Vitae

  • B.Eng., Electronic Engineering, Liverpool (1988).
  • M.Sc.(Econ.) LSE (1989).
  • PhD, Organisational Change (2004), City.
  • Business systems analyst, NatWest Bank Overseas Department (1989-1991).
  • Management Fellow, University of Bath School of Management (1994-1996).
  • Management Research Fellow, Leeds University Business School (1996-1997).
  • Associate Director/Consultant, Omega Partners (1997-2001).
  • Consultant, SSK Consulting (2001-2005).
  • Visiting Fellow, Leeds University Business School (since 2004).
  • Between 1991 and 2004: Chairman, Stockwell Ward, Vauxhall Conservative Association; Hon. Secretary, Bath Conservative Association CPC; Chairman, Eccleston Ward, and Chairman, Eccleston/Churchill CPC, Cities of London and Westminster Conservative Association; Executive Member, London Eastern Area Committee.


Parlement européen
Bât. Willy Brandt
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel
+32 (0)2 28 45792
+32 (0)2 28 49792
syed.kamall AT
EU Insigna.png This article is part of the MEPedia project of Spinwatch.



  1. European Parliament, MEP Directory: Syed Kamall, accessed 27 November 2010.
  2. European Parliament, MEP Directory: Syed Kamall, accessed 27 November 2010.
  3. European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Syed Kamall, 23 June 2009, accessed 03 November 2009.
  4. European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Syed Kamall, 27 January 2009, accessed 05 February 2009.