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[[British Health Foods Manufacturers Association]]
[[Alliance For Natural Health]]
[[Alliance For Natural Health]]

Revision as of 16:10, 25 February 2008

Consumers for Health Choice, set up in 1996 claims to be "an independent (non-profit making) consumer organisation with 11,000 members in the UK, and over 267,000 supporters on its database." [1]. The members of CHC are "consumer organisations and practitioner organisations, companies and individuals"[2]

The Whitehouse Consultancy provides 'political advice' for the CHC. CHC has offices in London and Brussels.

CHC, according to Sue Croft has been set up "to monitor possible adverse legislation coming from Brussels that might affect the rights of consumers to take responsibility for their own health without the use of pharmaceutical drugs".[3]

In 2005 the CHC played a prominent role in lobbying against the EU Food Supplements Directive on banning certain food supplements. Previosly most herbal remedies were available in Britain under Section 12 of the 1968 Medicines Act as "medicines exempt from licensing". The directive required that manufacturers provide evidence that their products are safe before they are given a licence. [4]


Board of Directors


British Health Foods Manufacturers Association

Alliance For Natural Health

Bristol Cancer Help Centre

British Society for Nutritional Medicine

Hyperactive Children's Support Group

Institute for Complementary Medicine


Mayday - the National Society for Research into Allergies.
