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*Maureen Dowd, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C02E4D8133DF93BA1575AC0A9659C8B63 Drunk On Rummy], 28 September 2003. (Accessed: 2 October 2007)
*Maureen Dowd, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C02E4D8133DF93BA1575AC0A9659C8B63 Drunk On Rummy], 28 September 2003. (Accessed: 2 October 2007)
[[Category:Neocons|Decter, Midge]]

Revision as of 13:23, 4 November 2007

Midge Decter (b. 25-Jul-1927; née Midge Rosenthal) is one of the original drivers of the neo-conservative movement with her spouse, Norman Podhoretz. With Donald Rumsfeld, Decter is the former co-chair of the Committee for the Free World and a founder of the Independent Women's Forum. She is the mother of right-wing syndicated columnist, John Podhoretz. Her first job was secretary to the editor of Commentary, the intellectual magazine published by the American Jewish Committee. She later worked as an assistant editor at Midstream magazine, managing editor at Commentary, editor at Harper's Magazine, and was an editor at Legacy Books and at Basic Books.

According to Jim Lobe:

"Podhoretz and his spouse, Midge Decter, a polemical powerhouse in her own right, created a formidable political team in the 1970s as they deserted the Democratic Party, and then, as leaders of the Committee on the Present Danger -- like PNAC a coalition of mainly Jewish, neo-conservatives and more traditional right-wing hawks like Defence Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld -- helped lay the foreign-policy foundation for the rise of Ronald Reagan.[1]


Posted 22 May 2004, at Max Blumenthal's Blogspot:

"'We're not in the Middle East to bring sweetness and light to the world. We're there to get something we and our friends in Europe depend on. Namely, oil.'" --Decter on the Warren Olney Show, 89.9, Los Angeles, (21 May 2004)


Think Tanks and Lobbies


Resources and References


  • Losing the First Battle, Winning the War
  • The liberated woman and other Americans
  • Liberal Parents, Radical Children
  • The new chastity and other arguments against women's liberation
  • Always Right: Selected Writings of Midge Decter
  • Rumsfeld : A Personal Portrait The "Rumsfeld" of the title is Department of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Maureen Dowd's September 28, 2003 Op-Ed "Drunk on Rummy", to the say the least, provides insight on the long-term relationship between Decter and Rumsfeld, as well as interesting notes on fellow neo-con Paul Dundes Wolfowitz.


  1. Jim Lobe, "Family ties connect US right, Zionists", Dawn, 9 March 2003.
