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*[[Marcus Agius]]
*[[Marcus Agius]]
===Revolving door===
*[[Michael Jackson (British Army)| Michael Jackson]], former [[Chief of the General Staff]]<ref> [http://acoba.independent.gov.uk/media/acoba/assets/acobaninthreport2006_08.pdf The Advisory Committee on Business Appointments Ninth Report 2006-2008] ''Advisory Committee on Business Appointments'', accessed 4 November 2014 </ref>
===former people===
===former people===

Revision as of 16:47, 4 November 2014

PA Consulting Group (PA) is an international management consulting firm.[1] As of 2007 it operates in more than 35 countries.



Revolving door

former people


PA Consulting Group 123 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 9SR United Kingdom
