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Namebase summed up the places were Gane was stationed while working for MI6: Britain 1955-1992, Laos 1961-1963, Malaysia 1963, Poland 1967,Uganda 1967-1970, Hong Kong 1977-1980.{{ref|nameb}}
Namebase summed up the places were Gane was stationed while working for MI6: Britain 1955-1992, Laos 1961-1963, Malaysia 1963, Poland 1967, Uganda 1967-1970, Hong Kong 1977-1980.{{ref|nameb}}

Revision as of 10:10, 7 June 2006

Full name and title: Gane, Barrie Charles, CMG OBE

Barrie Gane is a former deputy head of MI6, and was tipped to succeed Sir Collin McColl. However he decided to leave the Service on early retirement after a rationalisation in 1993, and open up his knowledge and network for privatised intelligence companies.

After he left MI6 Gane was hired by Group 4, Britain's largest security firm whose clients range from the prison service to the royal family and the government, and boasts of its ability to guard its customers against espionage, sabotage and subversion, the Sunday Times wrote in 2003.[1] At that moment in time Gane was the most senior member of the intelligence service to have joined the private security sector. A Group 4 spokesperson commented “His knowledge of international affairs is particularly useful in the development of our strategy and international growth.”[2]

"Barrie Ganes worked for the Group 4 Securitas Head Office as a consultant until the merger between Group 4 and Falck in 2000 at which point he transferred to Global Solutions Ltd, the custodial services division of Group 4 Falck. GSL was divested from Group 4 in 2004."[3]

Barrie Ganes was also on the board of Threat Response International, Evelyn le Chêne's corporate intelligence company that spied on activist groups to sell the gathered information to large companies.[4]

When the Sunday Times revealed that Threat Response spied on road protesters in the nineties, a Group 4 spokesman admitted buying information on protesters. Group 4, which carried out work on behalf of the Highways Agency as well as construction companies such as Costain and Tarmac, helped police many of Britain's most controversial road-building projects.[5]


MI6 chief McColl was expected to retire in September 1992. He reluctantly stayed to oversee changes, the move into the new headquarters and the expected financial cuts because of the end of the Cold War. Barrie Gane belonged to the old Sovbloc élite who agreed with the assessment of the continuing Soviet threat and who resisted changes of focus and priorities. In what became known as 'the Christmas Massacre', senoir officiers were told of their fate a month before the changes took effect in January 1993. Older MI6 directors and a whole layer of Management were replaced or offered early retirement. 'Young Turk' and non-Sovbloc officer David Spedding took over from Gane as Director of Requirements and Production. [6]

Namebase summed up the places were Gane was stationed while working for MI6: Britain 1955-1992, Laos 1961-1963, Malaysia 1963, Poland 1967, Uganda 1967-1970, Hong Kong 1977-1980.[7]



^ Corporate Watch UK, Group 4 Falck, A Corporate Profile, Corporate Watch UK, updated July 2003

^ Companies House information 2003 and 2006.

^ Security firm spied on road protesters, The Sunday Times - Britain, 05 October 2003

^ Statement from Group 4 Securitas press officer, emails to editor, 23 May and 7 June 2006.

^ Stephen Dorril, MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, New York, 2000, p. 753, 759-760.

^ Namebase.org on Gane