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:FAX: (909) 626-8724
:FAX: (909) 626-8724
:Website: [http://www.claremont.org www.claremont.org]
:Website: [http://www.claremont.org www.claremont.org]
[[Category:Think tanks]]

Revision as of 06:27, 3 September 2009

From the Claremont Institute web pages:[1]

"The mission of the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy is to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life.
"The Claremont Institute finds the answers to America's problems in the principles on which our nation was founded. These principles are expressed most eloquently in the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims that 'all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights…'
"To recover the Founding principles in our political life means recovering a limited and accountable government that respects private property, promotes stable family life and maintains a strong defense.
"The Institute's work is only beginning. Today, our state and federal governments spend vast and increasing sums of public money for less and less good. The public sector continues to grow at the expense of the private. Regulations intrude into every corner of our lives. Schools no longer perform. Police and courts no longer protect. Good businesses are being driven to extinction by excessive and discriminatory controls, and as a result good jobs continue to disappear. Dependence grows and opportunity wanes with each passing year.
"The Claremont Institute believes that informed citizens can and will make the right choices for America's future. Through its books, policy briefings, conferences and seminars, and now through the new electronic media of the World Wide Web, the Institute engages Americans in an informed discussion of the principles and policies necessary to rebuild our civic institutions.
"Founded in 1979, the Claremont Institute's work is national in scope, but gives special emphasis to the problems of our country's largest state, where the Institute is based. Institute studies like the the pioneering 1988 book, The Imperial Congress (co-published with the Heritage Foundation), innovative policy proposals such as our 1995 'Contract with California,' our ongoing work on the cultural attacks on the American family, and our decade-long involvement in the critical debates over environmental regulations and property rights law--all have earned the Institute a reputation for sound scholarship and diligence in the service of constitutional government.
"America's Founders endowed our Republic with sound principles and a framework for governing that is unmatched in the history of mankind. The prosperity and freedom of America can only be made secure if they are guided by a return to these basic principles as our country enters the 21st Century."

Claremont projects:

Board of Directors

Board members

Board of Advisors

Claremont Institute Links


250 West First Street, Suite 330
Claremont, CA 91711
Email: info@claremont.org
Phone: (909) 621-6825
FAX: (909) 626-8724
Website: www.claremont.org
