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Technion UK (formerly British Technion Society) is a British charity (no 1092207) set up to provide financial support for the Technion the Israeli science and technology institute.

It was formed under its then name of British Technion Society, at a meeting in the House of Lords in April 1951.[1]



Daniel Peltz (also a trustee of various charities including the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Institute of Jewish Studies and the Peltz Trust) | Lois Peltz | Michael Heller (also trustee of the Israel Diaspora Trust) | Gary Monnickendam[2]


Address: 62 Grosvenor Street, London W1K 3JF
Phone:020 7495 6824
Web: technionuk.org


  1. 1.0 1.1 Technion UK About. Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 5 June 2013. Accessed 19 February 2015.
  2. Charity commission Technion UK contact and Trustees. Accessed 19 February 2015.