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The CIA owns and supports [[Chemicals Northwest]].<ref>[http://www.chemicalsnorthwest.org.uk/ Welcome], Chemicals Northwest website. Accessed on 17/10/13.</ref>
The CIA owns and supports [[Chemicals Northwest]].<ref>[http://www.chemicalsnorthwest.org.uk/ Welcome], Chemicals Northwest website. Accessed on 17/10/13.</ref>
*[[Steve Elliott]] - chief executive
*[[Simon Marsh]] - employment and communications director<ref>[http://www.cia.org.uk/Newsroom/PhotosandBiographies.aspx Photos and biographies], CIA website. Accessed on 17/10/13.</ref>
==Fracking 'mythbuster'==
==Fracking 'mythbuster'==
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:Hydrochloric acid is found in toilet cleaners at concentration 100 times higher than what’s used in fracking! The chemical industry works closely with customers in selecting fracking chemicals. <ref> [http://www.politics.co.uk/opinion-formers/chemical-industries-association/article/fracking-exploring-the-pros-and-cons Busting the myths around fracking], politics.co.uk, March 2014, accessed November 2014 </ref>
:Hydrochloric acid is found in toilet cleaners at concentration 100 times higher than what’s used in fracking! The chemical industry works closely with customers in selecting fracking chemicals. <ref> [http://www.politics.co.uk/opinion-formers/chemical-industries-association/article/fracking-exploring-the-pros-and-cons Busting the myths around fracking], politics.co.uk, March 2014, accessed November 2014 </ref>
*[[Steve Elliott]] - chief executive
*[[Simon Marsh]] - employment and communications director<ref>[http://www.cia.org.uk/Newsroom/PhotosandBiographies.aspx Photos and biographies], CIA website. Accessed on 17/10/13.</ref>

Revision as of 03:16, 6 November 2014


The Chemical Industries Association (CIA) is the largest organisation that represents chemical and pharmaceutical businesses throughout the UK. It both lobbies to influence government policy on behalf of the chemical industry, and provides advice and services to the industry.[1] Chemicals manufacturing in the UK is largely concentrated in the northern regions of the UK and Scotland, in four key chemical clusters and are represented locally by Cluster Teams. In Scotland by Chemicals Team Scotland, Northwest England represented by Chemicals Northwest, Northeast England represented by the Northeast of England Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC) and in Yorkshire and Humber by Yorkshire Chemical Focus and Humber Chemical Focus.[2]

The CIA owns and supports Chemicals Northwest.[3]

Fracking 'mythbuster'

Unconventional gas 'offers a vital new source of raw materials for chemical products'so it's not surprising the industry has got behind the push to educate the public on its virtues. The association has published a four-page pamphlet 'Shale Gas: The facts'[4] which contains statements such as:

  • Seismic activity from fracking is equivalent to background motion caused by vehicles
  • Each well’s total water use is equivalent to that used on a golf course in a month
  • Fracking takes place at sufficient distance from groundwater and surface activities are regulated
  • Once a well is bored the well pad will have a visually low impact
  • Use of chemicals is permitted on a well by well basis and subject to public disclosure
  • Gas will underpin intermittent renewables like wind power
  • Carbon emissions from UK shale gas will be comparable to conventional gas [5]

'Opinion-former' video

A two-minute 45-second video purporting to 'bust the myths around fracking' can be found on the politics.co.uk website. On the issue of potential groundwater contamination caused by chemicals used in the fracking process CIA's interviewe 'scientist' said:

This is unlikely as the process is strictly policed and chemicals are only used initially to open the well. Chemicals are in such low concentrations that the fracturing mixture is more than 99 per cent sand and water.


Hydrochloric acid is found in toilet cleaners at concentration 100 times higher than what’s used in fracking! The chemical industry works closely with customers in selecting fracking chemicals. [6]




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  1. About CIA, CIA website. Accessed 17/10/13.
  2. Chemicals - the UK Advantage, UK Trade & Investment, p. 29. Accessed on 17/10/13.
  3. Welcome, Chemicals Northwest website. Accessed on 17/10/13.
  4. [http://www.pinsentmasons.com/en/media/dco-news/6-november-2013/20-november-20131/shale-gas-the-facts--chemical-industries-association-publishes-its-findings/ "Shale Gas: The Facts" – Chemical Industries Association publishes its findings], Pinsent and Masons, Media section, 20 November 2013, accessed 5 November 2014
  5. [Shale Gas: The facts, undated document , accessed 5 November 2014
  6. Busting the myths around fracking, politics.co.uk, March 2014, accessed November 2014
  7. Photos and biographies, CIA website. Accessed on 17/10/13.
  8. Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013.