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SIAD's first demonstration took place in support of the newspaper ''Jyllands Posten'', during the controversy over its publication of cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.<ref>[http://siad.wordpress.com/2007/04/15/uk-and-scandinavia-counterjihad-summit/ UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit], Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007.</ref>
SIAD's first demonstration took place in support of the newspaper ''Jyllands Posten'', during the controversy over its publication of cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.<ref>[http://siad.wordpress.com/2007/04/15/uk-and-scandinavia-counterjihad-summit/ UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit], Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007.</ref>
Gravers spoke at the [[UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit]] organised by the [[Center for Vigilant Freedom]] in April 2007. In hi speech he announced the formation of a pan-European group, [[Stop Islamisation of Europe]]:
Gravers spoke at the [[UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit]] organised by the [[Center for Vigilant Freedom]] in April 2007. In his speech he announced the formation of a pan-European group, [[Stop Islamisation of Europe]]:
::I want to thank Baron Bodissey and also the [[910 Group|910 group]], first of all for mentioning SIAD on their blogs and for your great support! But also for your encouraring of sending mails to our minister of justice. We have found out that we have almost the same ideas as the 910 group, so we match very well!
::I want to thank Baron Bodissey and also the [[910 Group|910 group]], first of all for mentioning SIAD on their blogs and for your great support! But also for your encouraring of sending mails to our minister of justice. We have found out that we have almost the same ideas as the 910 group, so we match very well!

Revision as of 22:05, 26 August 2011

Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark (SIAD) describes itself as "group of ordinary citizens who have become very tired of the sneaking Islamization of Danish society."[1]

According to Anders Gravers, SIAD was founded by a group of dissident activists from Den Danske Forening in June 2005.[2]

rather quickly we experienced that The Danish Society didn’t want to act in any way. All they wanted was only to talk internaly about the islam problems and publish a well informed magazine four times a year.
But our group up north in Jutland were aware of that we had to do something now if we would have any chance to safe Denmark from the Islamic invasion. We new that it was five minutes to twelve. Therefore we decided to start an organisation whose aim was to wake up the danes through actions and provocations, of course within the limits of the law. All in all to put the government in the devils dilemma, that means, no matter what they did, SIAD would have a win-and-win situation. If they allowed our demonstrations, there would be serious trouble, and if they wouldn’t allow us to demonstrate, SIAD had proved that the freedom of speech and the right to gather in public was suppressed and eliminated.[3]

SIAD's first demonstration took place in support of the newspaper Jyllands Posten, during the controversy over its publication of cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.[4]

Gravers spoke at the UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit organised by the Center for Vigilant Freedom in April 2007. In his speech he announced the formation of a pan-European group, Stop Islamisation of Europe:

I want to thank Baron Bodissey and also the 910 group, first of all for mentioning SIAD on their blogs and for your great support! But also for your encouraring of sending mails to our minister of justice. We have found out that we have almost the same ideas as the 910 group, so we match very well!
In cooperation with No Sharia in England, we agreed to try to expand the ideas of SIAD to the rest of Europe through the umbrella organisation Stop the islamisation of Europe SIOE. I would very much like to share SIOE with 910 group, but we will get into these things later tonight.[5]




  1. About, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, accessed 14 December 2009.
  2. UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007.
  3. UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007.
  4. UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007.
  5. UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007.