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[[Category:Special Advisers|De Peyer, Will]]
[[Category:Special Advisers|Peyer, Will De]]

Revision as of 11:26, 15 September 2010

Will De Peyer is special adviser to the Chief Secretary of the Treasury Danny Alexander.[1]


De Peyer has a background in banking. He has been with the Liberal Democrats for several years and has previously spoken out in favour of inheritance tax - contradicting Conservative policy - and has opposed Conservative tax breaks for married couples.[2]

Contact, Resources, Notes


Twitter: http://twitter.com/willdepeyer


  1. Department of Information Services, "Parliamentary Information List", accessed 07.09.10
  2. Louise Armistead, "George Osborne's Treasury team - the power behind the coalition government", The Telegraph, 13.05.10, accessed 13.09.10