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Revision as of 17:59, 2 August 2010

The Academic Friends of Israel is a pressure group formed in 2002 to 'fight the academic boycott of Israel'. It works closely with the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Union for Jewish students. [1] It was incorporated as a limited company in November 2004.

As of 19 March 2010 the group was directed by Ronnie Fraser and its Patron was the Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. Its Advisory Board comprised of:

Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld - Chairman of the Board of Fellows, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
Henry Grunwald Q.C. - President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews
Amir Lev
John D A Levy - Director of the Academic Study Group on Israel and the Middle East
Andrew R. Marks, M.D. - Columbia University, USA
Dr Robin Stamler
Professor Leslie Wagner CBE
Rt Hon Lord Young of Graffham[2]
