Scholars for Peace in the Middle East

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Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) is a zionist organization of academics created in 2003, whose main aim is to undermine calls for an academic boycott of Israel.[1]


SPME supports 'a world in which Israel exists as a sovereign Jewish state within secure borders'[1] - a position which privileges some Israeli citizens over others.

SPME argues that 'academic discourse is increasingly influenced by ideological distortions, politically biased scholarship, and agenda-driven speakers who demonize Israel and Zionism as bearing full responsibility for the Middle-East conflict. Such indoctrination violates academic traditions of scholarly integrity and degrades the academic enterprise. It poisons debate about the Middle East, inflames hatred of Israel, spreads anti-Semitism, incites anti-Israeli militancy, and serves to excuse or tolerate terrorist attacks and genocidal threats against Israel. Anti-Israel slanders exacerbate conflict and undermine prospects for peace.'[1]

SPME 'opposes all manifestations of anti-Semitism in academia, including calls for an academic boycott of Israeli academic institutions.'[1]


Board of Directors


Contact, References and Resources





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 SPME Homepage, Revision Adopted and Approved by The SPME Board of Directors, June 5, 2008, accessed 15 September 2010