Yoram Schweitzer
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Yoram Schweitzer is Senior Research Fellow and Director, Program on Terrorism and Low Intensity Conflict at the Institute for National Security Studies.[1]
Schweitzer holds an MA in military and diplomatic history from Tel Aviv University.[1]
Career History
From the INSS website:
- Yoram Schweitzer, an expert on international terrorism, has been a researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), which incorporated the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (JCSS), since February 2003, following a distinguished career in the Israeli intelligence community as well as in the academic world. Among other positions, he served as a consultant on counter-terror strategies to the prime minister's office and the Ministry of Defense, Head of the Counter International Terror Section in the IDF, and a member in a Task Force dealing with Israeli MIAs at the Prime Minister's Office. Mr. Schweitzer was a researcher and head of Educational Curriculum at the International Policy Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT) at the Inter Disciplinary Center in Herzliya.[1]
Current Activity
Schweitzer is Senior Research Fellow and Director, Program on Terrorism and Low Intensity Conflict at the Institute for National Security Studies.[1]
- The Globalization of Terror - The Challenge of Al - Qaida and the Response of theInternational Community (co authored with Shaul Shay) Transaction Publishers,Rutgers University State, University of New Jersey, June 2003
Chapters in Books
- Overview of Sunni Islamist Militancy. The Middle East Strategic Balance 2010.
- Is Israel Being Held Hostage by Kidnappers? The Middle East Strategic Balance 2010.
- Al Qaeda's Radicalization Doctrine: Concept and Execution. Homegrown Terrorism—Understanding and Addressing the Root Causes of Radicalization Among Groups with an Immigrant Heritage in Europe. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series-E: Human and Societal Dynamics. Volume 60, 2009. Pick, Thomas; Speckhard, Anne; Beatrice Jacuch, Eds.
- Current Trends in al-Qaeda and Global Jihad Activity, in: Brom, Shlomo and Kurz, Anat, (Editors), Strategic Survey for Israel 2009.
- Palestinian Female Suicide Bombers: Virtuous Heroines or Damaged Goods? Female Terrorism and Militancy: Agency, Utility, and Organization. Ness, Cindy ed. Routledge, February 2008.
- "'The Divine Victory' & the Material Failures: Hezbollah in the Lebanon War – Intermediate Balance – is This Indeed a Victory?", The Second Lebanon War – Lessons and Implications (INSS), publication pending.
- "Al-Qaeda and the Global Epidemic of Suicide Attacks", Root Causes of Suicide Terrorism: the Globalization of Martyrdom, Editor – Ami Pedahtzur, Publisher – Routledge. 2006.
- "International Terror, with Iraq at its Hub", The Middle East Strategic Balance 2004-2005, November 2005
- "International Terrorism in the Shadow of the Iraq War", The Middle East Strategic Balance 2003-2004, Sussex Academic Press, October 2004.
- "The War in Iraq and International Terrorism", The war in Iraq – Defining a New Strategic Balance, Sussex Academic Press & JCSS, September, 2003.
- “Suicide terrorism – Development and Main Characteristics” I.C.T. Publication, April 2001.
- "The Afghanistan Alumni, "Military Balance in the Middle East, Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University, Nov. 1999.
- “Terrorism – A weapon in the Shiite Arsenal,” Contemporary Trends in World Terrorism, J.C.S.S book, Tel Aviv University, pp 66-74.
INSS (Institute for National Security Studies)
- Stein, Shimon and Schweitzer, Yoram, 'The Terror Attack in Toulouse: Aberration or Symptom?', INSS Insight, No. 326, April 2, 2012.
- Schweitzer, Yoram., 'Back to their Old Ways? Iran, Hizbollah', and International Terrorism, INSS Insight, No. 315, February 21, 2012.
- Schweitzer, Yoram., 'A Mixed Blessing: Hamas, Israel, and the Recent Prisoner Exchange', Strategic Assessment, Volume 14, No. 4, January 2012.
- Schweitzer, Yoram and Dryndin, Ilona., 'Evil Develops in the South', INSS Insight, No. 295, November 21, 2011.
- Schweitzer, Yoram, 'Is There a Winner? Ten Years after the Terror Attacks in the United States', INSS Insight, No. 281, September 8, 2011.
- Stern, Gilad, Yogev, Einav, and Schweitzer, Yoram., 'Egypt-Sinai-Gaza: The Triangular Threat to Israel', INSS Insight, No. 271, July 28, 2011.
- Schweitzer, Yoram and Stern, Gilad., 'The West Responds to the Arab Spring', Strategic Assessment, Volume 14, No. 2, July 2011.
- Schweitzer, Yoram and Yogev, Einav., 'The United States and the Policy of Targeted Killing', INSS Insight, No. 265, June 22, 2011.
- Schweitzer, Yoram and Barak, Dan., 'The United States and Pakistan: Partnership in Crisis', INSS Insight, No. 259, May 29, 2011.
- Schweitzer, Yoram and Oreg, Aviv., 'The Death of Bin Laden and the Future of al-Qaeda', INSS Insight, No. 256, May 15, 2011.
- 'Initial Thought upon the Assassination of Bin Laden', INSS Insight, No. 254, May 4, 2011.
- Schweitzer, Yoram and Barak, Dan., 'Afghanistan: Situation Assessment', March 2011, INSS Insight, No, 248, March 30, 2011.
- 'The Foiling of a Terrorist Attack on American Soil: Good News Bringing Evil Tidings', INSS Insight, No. 219, November 3, 2010.
- 'Al-Qaeda and Suicide Terrorism: Vision and Reality, Military and Strategic Affairs', Volume 2, No. 2, October 2010.
- 'The Rise and Fall of Suicide Bombings in the Second Intifada', Strategic Assessment, Vol. 13, No. 3, October 2010.
- 'The Terrorism Threat against Israel from al-Qaeda and Global Jihad', Military and Strategic Affairs, Volume 2, No. 1, June 2010.
- 'Nuclear Terrorism: Threat to the Public or to Credibility?', INSS Insight, No. 178, April 28, 2010 (coauthored with Jonathan Schachter and Yoel Guzansky).
- 'Obama’s Afghanistan-Pakistan Policy: Challenges and Objectives', Strategic Assessment, Volume 12, No. 4, February 2010 (coauthored with Sean London).
- 'Is Terrorism Returning to the United States?', INSS Insight, No. 153, December 30, 2009.
- "Obama's Choice": The Afghan-Pakistan Dilemma, INSS Insight, No. 149, December 14, 2009 (coauthored with Sean London).
- 'A New Wave of Terror in the Arabian Peninsula?', INSS Insight, No. 140, November 12, 2009 (coauthored with Yoel Guzansky).
- 'The Battle at the Rafah Mosque: Power Struggles and Philosophical Clashes', INSS Insight, No. 125, August 24, 2009.
- 'Current Trends in al-Qaeda and Global Jihad Activity', in: Brom, Shlomo and Kurz, Anat, (Editors), Strategic Survey for Israel 2009, Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies, 2009.
- 'Ramifications of the Gaza Campaign for Local Terrorist Organizations', Strategic Assessment, Volume 11, No. 4, February 2009.
- 'Syria and the Global Jihad: A Dangerous Double Game', Strategic Assessment, Volume 11, No. 3, January 2009 (coauthored with Amir Kulick).
- 'Operation Cast Lead: Who Expects to Gain from the Fighting?', INSS Insight, No. 88, January 12, 2009.
- "Mumbai: Is This New Terror?", INSS Insight, No. 83, December 10 2008.
- "Iraq: Just Another Milestone in the War against al-Qaeda", Strategic Assessment, November 2008, Vol. 11, No. 2. (coauthored with Gaia Sciaky).
- "The Prisoner Swap, Hizbollah's Report, and Ron Arad", INSS website, July 14, 2008.
- "The Prisoner Swap: Opposing Just Values", INSS Insight, No. 61, July 9, 2008.
- "Response or Restraint: Possible Israeli Responses to an Attack Avenging Mughniyeh's Assassination". Written with Amir Kulik. Published as on-site op-ed. 26 March 2008.
- "A Balance of Terror in the War on Terror", INSS Insight, No. 45, February 18, 2008.
- "The Assault of Suicide-Bombers in Pakistan and Afghanistan", INSS Insight, No. 41, December 31, 2007.
- "The Sub-Conventional Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan: A Challenge in Search of a Realistic Response", Strategic Assessment, December 2007, Vol. 10, No. 3.
- "At the End of the Day, Hamas Too", Strategic Assessment, August 2007, Vol. 10, No. 2 (coauthored with Amir Kulick).
- "Is al-Qaeda Closing In?", Strategic Assessment, Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2007.
- "Al Qaeda on the Fences" (Hebrew), Strategic Assessment, May 2007.
- "Breaking the Link between Hezbollah and Hamas as an Israeli Target", TAU 180, August 2006.
- "Guerilla Warfare and Terrorism: Blurring the Definition of Victor", August 2006.
- "Hizbollah and the Morning After: Guerilla, Terror, and Psychological Warfare", Strategic Assessment, Vol. 9, No. 2, August 2006.
- Editor: "Female Suicide Bombers: Dying for Equality?", Memorandum No. 84, August 2006. (English)
- Palestinian Female Suicide Bombers: Reality vs. Myth, Memorandum No. 84, August 2006.
- "International Terror, with Iraq at its Hub" in: Zvi Shtauber and Yiftah S. Shapir, eds., The Middle East Strategic Balance 2004-2005, Sussex Academic Press (Brighton) and Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University, (Tel Aviv), 2005.
- "Hamas at a Crossroads?", Tel Aviv Notes No.154, December 11, 2005
- "Al-Qaeda and the Internationalization of Suicide Terrorism", Memorandum No. 78, November 2005 (English)
- "Al-Qaeda and the Internationalization of Suicide Terrorism", Memorandum No. 76, June 2005 (Hebrew)
- "The Globalization of Suicide Terrorism", Memorandum No. 76, June 2005 (Hebrew)
- "Is a Third Intifada Inevitable?", Tel Aviv Notes No.139, July 11, 2005.
- "Dilemmas for Israel in the Release of Palestinian Prisoners", Tel Aviv Notes No.125, February 8, 2005
- "Global Jihad as Reaction to American Policy: A Dangerous Delusion", Tel Aviv Notes No.118, December 9, 2004
- "Lessons of Terrorism the Caucasus", Tel Aviv Notes No.111, September 9, 2004.
- "Neutralizing State Sponsored Terrorism- The Libyan Model," Strategic Assessment 7, No.1, May 2004.
- "Another Deadly Wakeup Call for Europe", Tel Aviv Notes No.101, March 15, 2004.
- "The Next Israel-Hizbullah Exchange: Theater of the Absurd", Tel Aviv Notes No.98, February 2, 2004.
- "International Terrorism in the Shadow of Iraq War" in: Shlomo Brom and Yiftah S. Shapir, eds., The Middle East Strategic Balance 2003-2004, Sussex Academic Press (Brighton) and Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University, (Tel Aviv), 2004.
- "Terror in Turkey: Nothing New Under the Sun", Tel Aviv Notes No.91, November 25, 2003.
- "Female Suicide Bomber for God", Tel Aviv Notes No.88, October 9 2003.
- "September 11, Two Years Later" Strategic Assessment 6, No.2, September 2003.
- "The Capture of Hambali: Half Glass Empty – Half Glass Full," Tel Aviv Notes No.84 , August 17 2003
- “The Export and Import of Suicide Bombers," Tel Aviv Notes No.77, July 11 2003.
- “The Age of Non-Conventional Terrorism,” Strategic Assessment 6, No.1,May 2003.
- “The Capture of Khaled Sheikh Mohammed,” Tel Aviv Notes No.68, March 5 2003.
ICT (International Policy Institute for Counter Terror Policy) Website (www.ict.org.il)
- Suicide Terrorism and the September 11 Attacks, 20 Oct 2002
- Hezbollah A Transnational Terrorist Organization, 1 Sep 2002
- Another Important Arrest of a Senior Al Qaeda Member, 15 Sep 2002
- The Arrest of Abu Zubayda : an Important Achievement with More to Come, 09 Apr 2002
- Iran - Terror by Proxy, 05 Jan 2002
- The Case of the “Shoe Bomber“: Lessons in Counter-Terrorism—This Time at No Cost, 04 Jan 2002
- Osama and the Bomb: A Grain of Truth? 11 Nov 2001
- The “Lockerbie Affair“: Over but Not Done With, 27 Oct 2001
- Terrorism and Propaganda, 12 Oct 2001
- Iran – an Undesirable Bedfellow, 05 Oct 2001
- Denying Responsibility and Liability, 04 Oct 2001
- Hot Blood and Cold Rationality, 29 Sep 2001
- Suicide Bombings: The Ultimate Weapon? 07 Aug 2001
- The “Bin Laden Principle“, 04 Aug 2001
- The Search for Justice: The Lessons of AMIA, 17 Jul 2001
- Bin Laden Productions, Ltd. 28 Jun 2001
- Iranian Transnational Terrorism, 24 May 2001
- Osama Bin Laden - Threat or Myth? 05 May 2001
- A Necessary, if Unsavory, Policy, 24 Apr 2001
- The Matter of Osama bin Laden Toward a Balanced Policy, 17 Apr 2001
- The Infiltration of Jihad Shuman, February 22, 2001
- Massive Response or Surgical Strike? 20 Feb 2001
- The Immediate Lessons of the Lockerbie Verdict, 31 Jan 2001
- Does Bin Laden Pose a Threat to Israel? 22 Aug 2000
- Suicide Terrorism: Development & Characteristics, 21 Apr 2000
- Osama bin Laden and the Egyptian Terrorist Groups, 25 Jun 1999
- Patterns of Global Terrorism 1998 - What has Changed, 10 May 1999
- Bin Laden vs. the West: Round Two, 10 Jan 1999
- The Lessons of Lockerbie, 21 Dec 1998
- Responding to Terrorism—The American Dilemma, 02 Sep 1998
- Abu Nidal - The Sooner the Better, 25 Aug 1998
- Osama Bin Laden: Wealth Plus Extremism Equals Terrorism, 27 Jul 1998
- The Arrest of Mohammed Rashid - Another Point for the Americans, 07 Jun 1998
Newspaper Articles
- "5 Years to the Attack on Park Hotel", Maariv (Musaf), April 2007
- "A Fundamental Change in Tactics", Washington Post , October 19, 2003,
- "State Sponsors of Terror Remain Key", Jerusalem Post, August 18, 2003
- “Transnational terrorism and Iran” Jerusalem Post, May 152001
- “The pros and cons of eliminating terrorists” (Interview) Jerusalem post, April 6 2001
- “The duty of self-defense”, Haaretz, March 42001
- “Are the “liquidations” wrong?” (Liquidation policy), Yedioth Aharonot, March 4th 2001
- “To call the threat in its true name”, Yedioth Ahronot, February 26 2001
- “Bin Laden now”(A threat to Israel as well) , Yedioth Aharonot, August 232000
- “The sea is not the same”(Hizballah's new situation after Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon), Yedioth Ahronot, February 15, 2000
- “Terrorism – an exercise in form over substance” Jerusalem Post, December 3 1999
- “Look who is against withdrawal” (of Israel from Lebanon), Yedioth Ahronot, November 16, 1999
- “The fear of the “contempt of the taboo” (Bin Laden’s Non Conventional potential), Haaretz, January 18 1999.
- “The man of the Year” (Ron Arad’s 10th anniversary in captivity), Haaretz, October 15 1998
- “The limitations of threats”, Haaretz, September 231998
- “A message of Superpower”, Haaretz, August 311998
Articles in Journals
- “Review: Assaf Moghadam's The Globalization of Suicide Terrorism: al Qaeda, Salafi Jihad, and the Diffusion of Suicide Attacks“. Democracy and Security, 1555-5860, Volume 5, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 320 – 321.
- "Istishad as an Ideological and Practical Tool in the Hands of Al Qaeda". Journal of National Defense Studies. Vol. 6, may 2008.
- 'Palestinian Istishhadia: A Developing Instrument', Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 30:8, 667 – 689, (2007).
- "Le Hezbollah au lendemain de la Guerre", DSI: Defense & Securite Internationale, September 2006
- "Blurring the Identity of the Victor in Guerilla Warfare", Homeland Security & Resilience Monitor, March 2007.
News Websites
- A decade later, al-Qaida is still with us, with Einav Yogev, IsraelHayom, September 11, 2011.
- Is the West safer after 9/11? with Shili Kirshboim, Jerusalem Post, September 11, 2011.
- Hezbollah: A Contract Killer, with Gilad Stern, Jerusalem Post, July 2, 2011.
- Mission Still Not Completed, Ynet, May 2, 2011.
- "Obama’s Yemen challenge", with Yoel Guzansky, Ynet, March 29, 2011.
- “Moscow's Female Suicide Terrorists“, nrg.co.il (Maariv), 31 March 2010.
- “Thus Passes the Glory of the World“, nrg.co.il (Maariv), 10 February 2010.
- “Is Terrorism Returning to the US?“ Israelhayom.co.il, 29 December 2009.
- “The Strength of Weakness“, Haaretz.com (Haaretz), 8 March 2009.
- “Why Hasn't al Qaeda Attacked Again“, bitterlemons-international.org, 4 June 2009.
- “The Greatest Beneficiary of the Gaza War: Iran“, nrg.co.il (Maariv) 4 January 2009.
- “Raising the Ante“, nrg.co.il (Maariv), 28 November 2008.
- “The Target: A Lethal Attack on Terrorism“, nrg.co.il (Maariv), 27 November 2008.
- “Obfuscation and Oversimplification“, jpost.com (Jerusalem Post), 2 August 2008.
- “Not That Bad a Deal“, Jerusalem Post, 23 July 2008.
- “Not All Blackmail is the Same“, Haaretz.com (Haaretz), 25 July 2008.
- “George Habash: Forefather of International Terrorism“, Omedia.org, 28 January 2008.
- “Bin Laden Talking Again“, Ynetnews.com (Yedioth Ahronot), 12 December 2007.
- “An Ominous Victory“, Ynetnews.com (Yedioth Ahronot) 25 October 2007.
- "We'll Meet Again in Paradise", Omedia, 24 April 2007, Link to the Article
- Hamas' Participation: Strategic or Tactical?, www.bitterlemons.org, 2 January 2006.
- "Talking with Hamas", Ynet , July 7 2005.
- "Does Suicide Terrorism Present a Unique Threat to Freedom?", Wide Angel – www.pbs.org, 18 June 2004.
International Conferences
- "Innovation in Terrorist Organizations: The Case of PFLP and it Offshoots." Presented at "Innovation in Terrorism Weapons of Mass Effect: Preconditions, Causes, and Predictive Indicators" Workshop at the Center for Contemporary Conflict, U.S. Naval Post Graduate School. Monterey, California. August 5-6, 2010.
- "Trends in al-Qaeda and Global Militant Jihad Activity," in Protecting the Homeland from International and Domestic Terrorism Threats: Current Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives on Root Causes, the Role of Ideology, and Programs for Counter-radicalization and Disengagement. Eds: Laurie Fenstermacher, Larry Kuznar, Tom Rieger, Anne Speckhard. January, 2010.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Yoram Schweitzer biography, INSS website.