Yehoshua Saguy

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Yehoshua Saguy was the head of Israeli military intelligence from 1979 to 1983.[1]

The New York Times reported on Saguy's resignation from the Israeli Army in August 1983:

General Saguy was relieved of command of the intelligence corps earlier this year in accordance with a recommendation by a commission of inquiry studying the massacre in the Palestinian refugee camps. The commission found Israel indirectly responsible for the killings and judged General Saguy, on the basis of his own testimony, to have manifested indifference and a lack of concern about what was going on in the camps.[2]


  1. E.L.Zorn, Israel's Quest for Satellite Intelligence, CIA, accessed 21 July 2009, p.36.
  2. AROUND THE WORLD; Israeli General Resigns From Army, New York Times, 15 August 1983.