William Kristol/external articles prior to 2007
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The following are external articles prior to 2007 about William Kristol.
Also see external articles for 2007.
- Articles about William Kristol at Media Matters for America.
- Articles about William Kristol at Salon.
Dated material
- Jon Meacham, "The GOP's master strategist - William Kristol," The Washington Monthly (FindArticles.com), September 1994.
- Dan Kennedy, "Kristol's Ball. William Kristol's feisty Weekly Standard urges on the GOP Revolution," Salon, August 5, 1996.
- Walter A. McDougall, "Why Some Neo-Cons Are Wrong About U.S. Foreign Policy," Foreign Policy Research Institute, December 1997.
- Bob Somerby, "Defining knowledge down," The Daily Howler, March 19, 1999.
- Bob Somerby, "Kristol, perhaps all too clear," The Daily Howler, March 29, 1999.
- Bob Somerby, "Confident men. Synopsis: Kelly and Kristol knew something important: no one looks anything up," The Daily Howler, April 5, 1999.
- Bob Somerby, "A Howler extra: This weak," The Daily Howler, December 6, 1999.
- Sean Elder, "Turmoil at 'This Week'. Fear of Tim Russert pushed ABC News to fire William Kristol," Salon, January 6, 2000.
- Bob Somerby, "Kristol clear. Synopsis: Misdirection is a powerful force. This week, it’s even grabbed William Kristol," The Daily Howler, September 22, 2000.
- Bob Somerby, "Drivel redux," The Daily Howler, August 20, 2001.
- Laura Rozen, "Baghdad nightmare. They're accused of being war-crazed fanatics. But the elite group calling for Saddam's destruction is driven by a deep sense of mission -- one now shared by President Bush," Salon, December 5, 2001.
- Ronald Bailey, "Is Brave New World Inevitable? Bill Kristol says yes. He's wrong," Reason Online, April 24, 2002.
- Laura Miller, "War is Sell," PR Watch, Fourth Quarter 2002.
- Bob Somerby, "War was Peace and Truth was Falsehood when Kristol limned Bush for the Post," The Daily Howler, October 15, 2002.
- Bob Somerby, "MAKE A SAD SONG BETTER! In Minnesota, Rick Kahn went over the top. In Washington, the lies quickly started," The Daily Howler, October 31, 2002.
- Ron Suskind, "Why Are These Men Laughing?" Esquire (RonSuskind.com), January 2003.
- "Kristol: U.N. Has Gone From 'Useless' to 'Harmful'," NewsMax, March 11, 2003.
- Bob Somerby, "SPUN AND AWED! For two solid months, the public was spun. Now the spinners deny that it happened," The Daily Howler, April 1, 2003.
- Bob Somerby, "Snow job! Often confused with The Hair Club for Men, The Club for Growth has an attitude problem," The Daily Howler, April 18, 2003.
- Richard H. Curtiss, "Rupert Murdoch and William Kristol: Using the Press to Advance Israel's Interests. Rupert Murdoch: Despite Affairs Worldwide, His Heart Stays With Israel," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, June 2003.
- Bob Somerby, "MAGOO YOU! Bossie pens the latest cartoon—and Blankley rushes to print it," The Daily Howler, June 17, 2003.
- Fred Kaplan, "Delusions of Empire. How is Paul Wolfowitz keeping a straight face these days?" Slate, June 25, 2003.
- Mark Follman, "Right Hook. Bill Kristol applauds President Bush for 'dropping the pretense' that everything's under control," Salon, September 10, 2003.
- Gary Dorrien, "'Benevolent Global Hegemony': William Kristol and the Politics of American Empire," Logos Journal, Spring 2004.
- Press Release: "Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, Conservative Writer William Kristol to Debate Iraq and War on Terror at UCSB May 24," University of California, Santa Barbara, May 17, 2004.
- Robert Novak, "Neocons vs. Rumsfeld," CNN, December 23, 2004.
- David D. Kirkpatrick, "Battle Splits Conservative Magazine," New York Times, March 13, 2005.
- "The Pieing of William Kristol," Chris Hardie's Weblog, March 29, 2005.
- Bob Somerby, "IN SEARCH OF A LIBERAL KILLJOY! Kristol played killjoy for those on the right. We were shocked when a smart liberal wouldn’t," The Daily Howler, July 18, 2005.
- GOP Hypocrite of the Week: William Kristol, BuzzFlash, October 21, 2005.
- Patrick J. Buchanan, "Are the Neocons Losing It?" Antiwar.com, March 25, 2006.
- John Lofton, "William Kristol Wonders (Seriously) What Harm Illegal Aliens Have Done When They Have Murdered Scores Of Americans," The American View, April 2006.
- Lawrence Auster, "William Kristol’s repulsive arrogance on illegal immigration," View from the Right, April 2, 2006.
- "Colbert shakes up Bill Kristol over PNAC ties," Crooks and Liars (PrisonPlanet.com), April 29, 2006.
- Faiz Shakir, "Kristol Suggests People of Iran Would Embrace U.S. Attack, Triggering Regime Change," Think Progress, July 19, 2006.
- Joe Conason, "Sore losers. Connecticut voters did what they felt was best for the country -- and should ignore the right-wing scolds who support Bush's failed policies," Salon, August 11, 2006.
- Judd Legum, "Kristol: Cheney’s Claim That Lamont Win Helps ‘Al-Qaeda Types’ Is ‘Indisputably Correct’," Think Progress, August 13, 2006.
- Alex Koppelman, "What Does Bill Kristol Know, Anyway?" The Huffington Post, August 14, 2006.
- "Bill Kristol: Competely and Tragically Wrong," Vox Mia Blog, August 14, 2006.
- Anne E. Kornblut, "G.O.P. Deserts One of Its Own for Lieberman," truthout, August 19, 2006.
- Joe Conason, "To Iran with love. From the botched Iraq war to threatening Iran with 'regime change,' neoconservative policies have been a boon for Tehran," Salon, August 25, 2006.