The Sympathetic Trust

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The Sympathetic Trust is a UK-based grant giving charity (charity no. 1191919).



Correct as of 27 February 2023:[1]

Trustees Role Date Appointed Date of Birth Other trusteeships
David Neuwirth Chair 25 June 2020 British Friends of Ezrat Yisrael Kiryat Sefer | Belz Communities | Convalescent Retreat Limited | Broom Foundation | Lehatzliach (Helping Every Child Succeed)| New Marston Limited | OHR Torah Ltd | RNH Synagogue & College Ltd | The Helping Foundation | The Reisner Charitable Foundation Ltd | Sanz Foundation
Benny Stone Trustee 15 October 2020 RNH Synagogue & College Ltd
Benjamin Hassan Trustee 12 June 2020 The Reisner Charitable Foundation Ltd | Manchester Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews

Grant Recipients

Grant recipients of the Sympathetic Trust in £ sterling
Organisation 2021 2022 2023 Total (£)
American Friends of Hidabroot 16,863 16,863
Ass Ner Eliahou 8,890 8,890
Bais Tila 2,206 2,206
Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim 8,016 5,378 13,394
Cong Ahavas Tzdokah V'chesed 1,516 1,516
Cong Beth Hamedrash of Melitz Lizensk 17,785 16,187 33,972
Cong Khal Yeriem 40,000 40,000
Cong Ohel Torah 6,492 9,453 15,945
Congregation Mikvah Tahara of Staten Island 7,414 7,414
Congregation OBR 8,966 8,966
Hilf Support Net 8,108 8,108
Khal Torath Chaim of BP 5,415 5,415
Khal Torath Chaim of Rockland 14,877 14,877
Kollel Emes Vemu 46,871 46,871
Kollel Tiferes 15,295 15,295
Lhachyos Lev 3,718 3,718
Nachas Health and Family 1,900 4,448 6,348
Uta Mesivta of KJ 1,759 7,765 9,524
VZW Kolel Avreichim 2,180 2,180
Grants under £5,000 11,378 13,558 24,936
Total: 1,900 104,067 180,471

Data compiled from the Sympathetic Trust Annual Accounts: 2022 | 2023


  1. Sympathetic Trust Trustees, Charity Commission. Retrieved 27 February 2023.