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Terrorism.openDemocracy is a website set up by the Club de Madrid and Open Democracy which was set up to continue policy discussions which began at the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security - a terrorism conference organised by the Club de Madrid and held in Madrid in March 2005 [1] The website is edited by Peter Neumann of King's College London and its advisory board (see below) includes Open Democracy's Chair and Vice-Chair, Kim Campbell Secretary General of the Club de Madrid and several other figures from think-tanks, the media and academia. [2] It was originally based at www.Madrid11.net.

Advisory Board

Anthony Barnett (Vice-Chair)
Founder of openDemocracy.net
Kim Campbell
Secretary General of the Club de Madrid
Former Prime Minister of Canada
Jose-Maria Figueres
Former President of Costa Rica
Stephen Heintz
President of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Diego Hidalgo
President of the FRIDE Foundation, Madrid
Karin von Hippel
Co-Director, Post-Conflict Reconstruction Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Mary Kaldor
Director of the Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science
Raymond Kendall
Former Secretary General of INTERPOL
Rami Khouri
Editor of the Daily Star, Beirut
Peter Neumann (Chair)
Director of the Centre of Defence Studies, London
Louise Richardson
Executive Dean of the Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University
Laura Sandys
Chair of the Board, openDemocracy.net



  1. PDF Copy of <www.opendemocracy.net/terrorism/about_tod> [Created 20 August 2009]
  2. Open Democracy, 'Peter R Neumann, [Accessed 3 September 2009]; PDF Copy of <www.opendemocracy.net/terrorism/about_tod> [Created 20 August 2009]
  3. PDF Copy of <www.opendemocracy.net/terrorism/about_tod> [Created 20 August 2009]