Talk:Euart Glendinning
Do we want to keep this bit?
As the Banks use new technology to revamp internal communications a revolution is in progress in the form of intranets and webcasts which are making it easier to not just inform staff around the globe of company developments, but to promote a sense of corporate belonging; to propagandise their employees. The company makes use of its internal television studios to relay presentations across the company intranet presenting an alternative reality. [1]
This might give us some indication of what EI is about — helping out with internal employee hypnosis. And what with those little cameras facing out from a computer terminal the management can spot a Winston Smith from miles away. [7]
Do we want to keep this? At first glance “propagandise employees” & “presenting alternative reality” looks like speculation (it doesn’t appear in the source) and the latter part (whilst being an issue) a presentation of opinion.
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I could see this bit referred to in the source (re Lad in city bit)... "Glendinning even went to the lengths of dressing up as one of the Beegees at one of these company junkets— did they sing "Jive talking."
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I suggest that this section should be tweeked (refs etc) & moved to Fawcett's page and perhaps also the relevant pages for the orgs listed.
- "Since joining Morgan Stanley in London in 1987, Fawcett has helped guide the bank's metamorphosis into a giant with annual revenues of around $4 billion. She has won friends and influence through her work outside the office. She helped shape the responsibilities of Britain's new Financial Services Authority, has been an adviser on the Government's 'New Deal' work for the unemployed and is deputy chairman of the National Employment Panel. A native of Massachusetts, on North America's eastern seaboard, in the past she has commented that she comes from a family that "fundamentally believes in community service". [2]
One sees how captive and narrow this 'debate' is in the products of the Smith Institute .[3] Amelia Fawcet was also a member of the Community Action Network which claims to help the poor much in the same way as Community Links. She joined this as a first step into influencing government with a view to pushing the privatisation/business control of New Labour agenda as she openly aknowleges:
- "Morgan Stanley asked me to set up a government coverage function to monitor UK and EU governmental initiatives, support the privatisation effort and look for business opportunities with government." [8]
CAN were part of a cabal of groups sharing an office and operating as one company 'The Mezzanine.' which included Peter Mandelson's Think Tank, the Policy Network, Demos and the Foreign Policy Centre and others and she has followed Demos' Geoff Mulgan onto the Young Foundation [http:/] : indeed her New Labour networking has seen her going onto the court of the Bank of England. Fawcett moved onto Morgan Stanley while working for Sullivan & Cromwell (the legal firm started by the Dulles brothers, thought of as indistinguisable from the CIA) [4]
Also part of The Mezzanine were TimeBank, founded by Jane Tewson (also of Comic Relief) who stated that:
- “Community Links were fundamental to the development of TimeBank. Indeed they inspired and came up with the idea of people giving what they are passionate about as opposed to people giving their time because they feel it is their duty.” [5]
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Piece below needs substantuated... doesn't appear to quite fit with what's being said in source.
Corporate Community Engagement
With Corporate Community Engagement (CCE) the big banks try to replicate themselves and their values and lobby government, although they argue the projects are run by local people. The projects tend to appear in areas which have been ravaged by the free market values espoused. Here 'venture philanthropy' and CCE replaces the rights of the individual with trickle-down at the whim of the super-rich. [6] It is a distraction from high level moves which will have more impact on how people live at home and elsewhere:
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I was thinking that this piece should probably be moved else where. Whilst being interesting it isn't about Glendinning. Might also want to think about changing wording... for eg. 'according to Chossudovsky...' this helps the reader understand where it comes from.
- Responding to the global banks initiative, the IMF has called for concrete "steps to strengthen private sector involvement" in crisis management — what might be interpreted as a "power sharing arrangement" between the IMF and the global banks. The international banking community has also set up it own high level "Steering Committee on Emerging Markets Finance" integrated by some of the World's most powerful financiers including William Rhodes, Vice Chairman of Citibank and Sir David Walker, Chairman of Morgan Stanley. The hidden agenda behind these various initiatives is to gradually transform the IMF — from its present status as an inter-governmental body — into a full fledged bureaucracy which more effectively serves the interests of the global banks. More importantly, the banks and speculators want access to the details of IMF negotiations with member governments which will enable them to carefully position their assaults in financial markets both prior and in the wake of an IMF bailout agreement. The global banks (pointing to the need for "transparency") have called upon "the IMF to provide valuable insights [on its dealings with national governments] without revealing confidential information...". But what they really want is privileged inside information. [7]
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I've removed this bit as it's about Walker rather than Glendinning and the info is the same as on Walker's page.
Walker's role was Chairman of MSI with executive responsibility for the Firm's activities in the Middle East and Africa. He began his career in 1961 with the Treasury (seconded to the IMF from 1969-73), becoming chief of the Economic Intelligence Department in 1977, before joining the Bank of England (other banking interests include Johnson Mathey).
Walker served as a non-executive board member of Reuters, Vice-Chairman of the Legal and General group, a member of the Group of Thirty [8] and was Chairman of the London Investment Bankers' Association. He is also British Co-Chairman of the British-Moroccan Business Council. Prior to joining MSI, Walker spent two years at Lloyds Bank. From 1988 to 1992, he was Chairman of the Securities and Investments Board, the British authority at that time 'regulating' the securities markets as it became de-regulated. [9] He was Chairman of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in 1991-92. He was also a non-executive board member of the former Electricity Generating Board which monopolised into National Power plc between 1984 and 1994. He is also a governor of the Henley Management College and the Council of Lloyd's (and paradoxically the chairman of the Lloyd's LMX spiral enquiry of 92 after the Lloyd's reinsurance scam). [9]