Sustainable Development Commission Scotland

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The Sustainable Development Commission Scotland (SDCS) is the Scottish Executive's independent advisory body on issues related to sustainable development. It reports to the executive on policy concerning regeneration, sustainable buildings, local government, quality assurance, energy and food. The aim of the SDCS is to support industry, government and business to consider sustainable development in all that they do. The Scottish organisation is part of the London based Sustainable Development Commission the government's independent watch dog on sustainable development. Jonathon Porritt founder of Forum for the Future was appointed chairman in 2000 by the Prime Minister.

Policy Networks

The commission works within policy networks and is heavily involved in the work of the Scottish Sustainable Development Forum and the Sustainable Scotland Network


The SDCS has two commissioners Jan Bebbington formerly of St Andrews University and Hugh Raven President of the Scottish Soil Association. Secretariat support comes from the Scottish Director Maf Smith who has a senior role within the Scottish Executive


  1. ^ Sustainable Development Commission Scotland Web Site SDCS About Us Accessed March 2007
