Roger Liddle

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Roger Liddle is a founding member of the SDP, unsuccessfully standing as a parliamentary candidate for them in 1983 and 1986, and was a special adviser to the Labour Party from 1997 to 2004.[1] He is currently Chef de cabinet for Peter Mandelson in Brussels.


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Liddle also stood as a parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Democrats in 1992. He re-joined the Labour Party in 1995. He is a former Director of the Prima Europe PR consultancy, which was involved in the "Lobbygate" scandal involving his friend Derek Draper. [2] He made £250,000 from his shares in Prima when it was sold in 1998. Their clients included Unilever, Rio Tinto, BNFL, Glaxo Wellcome and Powergen. [3]

He co-wrote The Blair Revolution with Peter Mandelson in 1995 [4], the 'bible' of New Labour. Mandelson and Liddle were local councillors together in Lambeth.

He went to Oxford University. [5] He specialises in European policy issues in the Downing Street policy Unit. He is paid £78,128 and lives in Cleaver Square, an exclusive area of Kennington, south London. His wife, Caroline, is the daughter of Lord Thomson. She is the Deputy Managing Director of the BBC World Service. His son, Andrew, goes to the £15,675-a-year Dulwich College, a private boarding school. Former pupils include Tory Minister Peter Lilley. [6]

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Cumbria Vision

When Liddle became Chairman of Cumbria Vision in September 2007, the speech he gave indicated his very clear backing for nuclear power. "With the world’s focus firmly fixed on climate change, West Cumbria’s expertise in nuclear and renewable energies presents new and exciting opportunities for us to make a regional, national and international contribution to this pressing issue," he said. [7]

Given Liddle's close ties to Lord Peter Mandelson, it's perhaps unsurprising that the new business Secretary of State threw his weight behind a plan to develop more nuclear power plants in Cumbria, called the Energy Coast proposal, in October 2008.[8]

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  1. Info-Dynamics Research, "Where are they now? The 1997/1998 Special Advisers to the Labour Government", GMB: April 2006 Briefing, p13, accessed 12.09.10
  2. Nyta Mann Roger Liddle, Centre Stage Once More, BBC, 26 October 2001.
  3. Available through: Red Star Research search function
  4. Nyta Mann Roger Liddle, Cnetre Stage Once More, BBC, 26 October 2001.
  5. German British Forum Roger Liddle
  6. Available through: Red Star Research search function
  7. 'Becoming Chair of Cumbria Vision is the most exciting challenge I have ever undertaken' Cumbria Vision website, accessed November 2008.
  8. 'Peter Mandelson backs West Cumbria Energy Coast proposal'Cumberland News, 31 October 2008.