National Institute of Economic and Social Research

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A corporate funded research organisation. It claims:

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research is Britain’s longest established independent economic research institute with over sixty years experience of applying academic excellence to the needs of business and policy makers. The Institute's objective is to promote, through quantitative research, a deeper understanding of the interaction of economic and social forces that affect people's lives so that they may be improved.[1]

Of course, the second sentence is undermined by the first since the pursuit of the 'needs' of business allow a deeper understanding of issues so that people lives can be subordinated to business interests.

The NIESR has since 2001 run the Westminster Economic Forum jointly with the publicly funded Economic and Social Research Council.

Council of Management


Chairman of Council

  • Professor Stephen Nickell Appointed November 2002; Warden of Nuffield College, Oxford, Professor of Economics, LSE, and former member of the Monetary Policy Committee

Institute Director

Dr Martin Weale, CBE

Company Secretary

Gill Clisham, FRSA Appointed January 2001; formerly External Relations Officer, NIESR

Council Members


  1. ^ About the National Institute of Economic and Social Research National Institute of Economic and Social Research website, October 2006.