Michael Noone
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Noone is a retired US Air Force colonel and terrorologist who is well networked with official and Zionist writers in the field, acting as an adviser to and co-author with Yonah Alexander. His Catholic University biography states:
- Michael Noone, admitted to the California and District of Columbia bars, served twenty years as a judge advocate in the U.S. Air Force, retiring as a colonel before he joined the law faculty in 1978 and, effective August 2005, gave up his Ordinary Professorship and was appointed Research Professor for academic years 2005-2007. He remains active in national security issues. He's a Fellow of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society; Director, International Society for Military Law and the Law of War; President of the Committee on Military Criminology and Crime; he serves as a member of the International Advisory Board, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, and on the executive board of the Judge Advocate's Association Inn of Court. He was a distinguished visiting professor of law at the U.S. Military Academy (West Point) in 1991 and co-authored the textbook used by the law department. His research and writing on peacekeeping and political violence have taken him in recent years to Russia, Australia and New Zealand, to Ukraine, South Africa, and to Northern Ireland and Israel. He is married to the former Ann Hackett of Cranford, New Jersey.
- Professor Noone holds a B.S. in F.S. (1955) from Georgetown University's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, an LL.B. (1957), and LL.M. (1962) from Georgetown University Law School, and an S.J.D. (1965), from The National Law Center of George Washington University. He is a Distinguished Graduate of the USAF Air Command and Staff College.[1]
- International Center for Terrorism Studies, International Research Council
Contact, References and Resources
- “The Law of Armed Conflict and the Principle of Sovereign Equality of States,” a panel discussion (with Ruth Wedgwood and Daniel Thurer), 7th International Security Forum Conference Proceedings, pp. 105-107. Center for Security Studies, ETH, Zurich Switzerland (2007).
- “Maritime Security Law Symposium,” The Military Advocate, Summer 2007.
- Film Review, “The Tokyo Trial,” The Journal of Military History, Vol. 71, No. 3 (July 2007) pp. 988-989
- Book Review, Military Justice in Vietnam, by William Thomas Allison (University Press of Kansas, 2006), H-War Book Review, May 2007
- "Justifying the American Way of War," A Nation at War, Seventeenth Annual Strategy Conference Report, Col. John R. Martin, ed. (Strategic Studies Institute: Carlisle Barracks, Pa, 2007)
- "Dissent in the U.S. Military" (Feb.7, 2007), an online op-ed for ABC News: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=2857017&page=1
- "Unprivileged Belligerency: The IRA," Military Review, 58-63, September-October 2005, English Edition. "El Ejercito Republicano Irlandes: Soldatos Ilegitimos." Military Review (Hispano-American Edition) Jan-Feb 2006; Uma Beligerancia sem Privilegios: O Exercito Republicano Irlandes (Brazilian Edition) Jan-Feb 2006.
- "The U.S. Approach to Combating Trafficking in Women: Prosecuting Military Customers. Could it Be Exported?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal, Vol. IV (Winter 2005) pp. 81-91.
- "Military Commissions - the Sentencing Phase," Accountability, Volume 2, No. 1, pgs. 2-7 (Fall 2003).
- Book Review, The Vietnam War on Trial, 65 Review of Politics, 305-306 (2003).
- "Legal Lessons Learned from Operation Enduring Freedom," International Peacekeeping: The Yearbook of International Peace Operations, Volume 8, 2002, pgs. 239-251 (2003).
- "Discussion of Military Commission Instruction No. 2 (Crimes and Elements)" (with Eugene R. Fidell), Military Commission Instructions Sourcebook (National Institute of Military Justice, 2003).
- "Posse Comitatus: Preparing for the Hearings," 4 Chicago Journal of International Law, 193-200 (2003).
- "Whacking Unarmed Women: Gaps in the Law of Armed Conflict," 9 Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy, 271-276 (2002).
- "Jurisdiction over Offenses" and "Duties of the Presiding Officer," Annotated Guide, Procedures for Trials by Military Commissions of Certain Non-United States Citizens in the War Against Terrorism, (LexisNexis, Matthew Bender 2002).
- "Courts-Martial For Alleged Terrorists," 2 Insights on Law and Society, 14, 15, 31 (Spring/Summer 2002).
- Entry, "Martial Law," The Oxford Companion to American Law (Oxford University Press, 2002).
- "Applying Just War Jus in Bello Doctrine to Reprisals: An Afghan Hypothetical," 51 Catholic University Law Review, 27-34 (2001).
- Book Review, Judgment at Tokyo: The Japanese War Crimes Trials, 65 The Journal of Military History, 1157-1158 (2001).
- ‘Treaty Implementation: Lessons Taught by U.S./U.K. Cooperation under the NATO Status of Forces Agreement," 13 New York International Law Review, 39-89 (2000).
- Comments as Chair, "The Civilian/Military Culture and the Impact on International Law," 93 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law, 214 (2000).
- Entries: "Articles of War," "Military Crimes," "Military Courts," "Military Punishment," and "Citizens’ Rights in the Military," The Encyclopedia of American Military History (Oxford University Press, 1999).
- "Chimera or Jackalope? Department of Defense Efforts to Apply Civilian Sexual Harassment Criteria to the Military," 6 Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy, 151-172 (1999).
- Remarks on "The Rule of Law," published by The Inter-University Center for Legal Studies, Washington, D.C. (1999).
- "Non Lethal Weapons," 37 The Military Law and Law of War Review, 334-36 (1998).
- w/Yonah Alexander, Cases and Materials on Terrorism, Three Nations' Response (The Hague: Kluwer Law, 1997).
- Testimony on Tucker Act Shuffle Relief Act of 1997, in Hearings before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Clause, House Committee of the Judiciary (1997). (Committee Print).
- w/Michael Benjamin, Dennis Hunt, and Donald Zillman, Constitutional Law for the Citizen Soldier (New York: McGraw Hill, 4th ed. 1996).[2]
- ↑ Catholic University of America Michael F. Noone Jr. Research Ordinary Professor accessed 4 January 2008
- ↑ Catholic University of America Michael F. Noone Jr. Research Ordinary Professor (Accessed 4 January 2008)