MI5 D Branch 1953-68

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For the Modern D Branch see MI5 D Branch

In Dick White's 1953 re-organisation of the Security Service, D Branch became the division responsible for counter-espionage.[1]

In 1968, Michael Hanley was appointed head of D Branch, and carried out a re-organisation which led to its replacement with MI5 K Branch.[2]





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Miscellaneous Officers


  1. Christopher Andrew, Defence of the Realm, The Authorized History of MI5, Allen Lane, 2009, p.327.
  2. Peter Wright, Spycatcher: The Candid Autobiography of Senior Intelligence Officer, Viking, 1987, pp.332-334.
  3. Richard Norton-Taylor, OBITUARY: SPYCATCHER GENERAL; Sir Martin Furnival Jones, The Guardian, 6 March 1997.
  4. Christopher Andrew, Defence of the Realm, The Authorized History of MI5, Allen Lane, 2009, p.433.
  5. Richard Norton-Taylor, OBITUARY: SPYCATCHER GENERAL; Sir Martin Furnival Jones, The Guardian, 6 March 1997.
  6. Michael Evans, The meeting that nailed Kim Philby / Allegations over 'fifth man' in Soviet spy scandals, 5 December 1986.
  7. Christopher Andrew, Defence of the Realm, The Authorized History of MI5, Allen Lane, 2009, p.513
  8. Peter Wright, Spycatcher: The Candid Autobiography of Senior Intelligence Officer, Viking, 1987, pp.332-334.
  9. Christopher Andrew, Defence of the Realm, The Authorized History of MI5, Allen Lane, 2009, p.432.
  10. Michael Evans, The meeting that nailed Kim Philby / Allegations over 'fifth man' in Soviet spy scandals, 5 December 1986.
  11. David Leigh, The Wilson Plot, Mandarin, 1989, p.101.
  12. Christopher Andrew, Defence of the Realm, The Authorized History of MI5, Allen Lane, 2009, p.431.
  13. David Leigh, The Wilson Plot, Mandarin, 1989, p.101.
  14. Peter Wright, Spycatcher, Viking, 1987, pp.321-322.
  15. GREAT BRITAIN: MI5 Indirectly Supports Overview, Intelligence Newsletter, 15 April 1993.