Laura Montini

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Laura Montini is a former SISMI source at the Niger Embassy in Rome, implicated in forging documents used to justify the Iraq War.

an official investigation believes Adam Maiga Zakariaou, the consul, and Laura Montini, the ambassador’s assistant, known as La Signora, forged the papers for money.
They allegedly concocted their scheme as reports reached western intelligence agencies, including MI6, that Saddam Hussein had been trying to buy uranium ore, known as yellowcake, from Niger. The agencies had no evidence he had succeeded. The pair are alleged to have copied a real contract to look like an agreement with Iraq under which Niger would supply Saddam with 500 tons of yellowcake.
The story of the fake deal had begun with a meeting in a Rome bar in February 2000 set up by Antonio Nucera, an officer in the Sismi, the Italian intelligence agency, between two of his former agents, Rocco Martino and Montini.[1]

It has been suggested that the official version understates SISMI's role in the affair.[2]


  1. 'Forgers' of key Iraq war contract named, by Michael Smith, Sunday Times, 9 April 2006.
  2. Talking Points Memo, 9 April 2006, by Joshua Micah Marshall.