Jon Pike

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Jon Pike is a senior lecturer in philosophy at the Open University, and the chair of the OU's two courses in political philosophy. He studied PPE at Oxford, and then went to Glasgow to write about Marx and Aristotle, and published From Aristotle to Marx in 1999. This was followed by Reading Political Philosophy and Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy. For several years he struggled quite hard to be a Marxist; he has now dropped that struggle in favour of trying to sketch out a consistent moral theory for the left.
Pike is chair of Engage, an organisation set up to oppose the boycott of two Israeli universities. Engage is now a more general campaign against the politics that underlay the boycott campaign, and an anti-racist campaign that particularly addresses anti-semitism.[1]




  1. Jon Pike profile, Comment is free, accessed 14 April 2008.
  2. Text of Conference Invite Email