Jeffrey Imm

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Jeffrey Imm

Jeffrey Imm is a former FBI employee who has written for the Investigative Project on Terrorism and other alarmist 'anti-jihad' outfits. He was appointed Research Director at Counterterrorism Blog in August 2005 but ceased to act as a contributor in June 2008. [1] He subseqently wrote several articles for the Anti-Jihad League of America in August and September 2008, [2] which according to Imm was disbanded in September 2008. [3]

Since November 2001 [4] Imm has run his own 'counterterrorism research web site', United States Action <> [5] which posts information on 'Chemical/Bio Terror' and 'Terror and Hate Group Threats'. He also heads a volunteer group called Responsible for Equality And Liberty [6] <>, which says it bases its work on freedom, equality and human rights.

The website Jihad Watch calls Jeffrey Imm 'a longtime friend of Jihad Watch and supplier of links to thousands of news articles that have been posted here over the years'.[7] Elsewhere the site calls him 'a longtime friend of Jihad Watch (whom I thank for links on practically a daily basis)'.[8] Imm also had an article published on the Jihad Watch site in august 2008, though it is not clear if this was with permission.[9]


Anti-Jihad League of America (disbanded September 2008) | Counterterrorism Blog, former Research Director [10] | Family Security Matters, contributor [11] | Federal Bureau of Investigation, former employee [12] | Investigative Project on Terrorism, contributor[13] | Jihad Watch[14] | Yahoo! Groups : dc-terror, Moderator


  1. Jeffrey Imm, email to Spinprofiles, 4 February 2010 20:28.
  2. Investigative Project on Terrorism, Writings by: Jeffrey Imm [Accessed 5 February 2010
  3. Jeffrey Imm, email to Spinprofiles, 4 February 2010 20:28.
  4. Jeffrey Imm, email to Spinprofiles, 7 February 2010, 17:31
  5. Jeffrey Imm, 'Women's Equality – The Global Challenge for Our Generation', Family Security Matters, 27 August 2009
  6. Jeffrey Imm, 'Women's Equality – The Global Challenge for Our Generation', Family Security Matters, 27 August 2009
  7. Jeffrey Imm reports on the Coalition to Stop Shariah press conference, Jihad Watch website, accessed 8 Feb 2010
  8. Jeffrey Imm: UK: New Documentary to Show Growing Islamic Supremacism in Mosques, Jihad Watch website, accessed 8 Feb 2010
  9. Jeffrey Imm 'Jeffrey Imm: UK: New Documentary to Show Growing Islamic Supremacism in Mosques' Posted by Robert on August 22, 2008 3:33 PM
  10. Screengrab of Andrew Cochran, Jeffrey Imm Joins Us as Research Editor, Counter-Terrorism blog, 10 August 2005. Created on 5 February 2010.
  11. Jeffrey Imm, 'Women's Equality – The Global Challenge for Our Generation', Family Security Matters, 27 August 2009
  12. Screengrab of Andrew Cochran, Jeffrey Imm Joins Us as Research Editor, Counter-Terrorism blog, 10 August 2005. Created on 5 February 2010.
  13. Investigative Project on Terrorism, Writings by: Jeffrey Imm [Accessed 5 February 2010
  14. Jeffrey Imm 'Jeffrey Imm: UK: New Documentary to Show Growing Islamic Supremacism in Mosques' Posted by Robert on August 22, 2008 3:33 PM