Jeff Victoroff
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Associate Professor of Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry University of Southern California. In September 2005 Victoroff's affiliation was listed as 'NATO Public Diplomacy Division'.[1]
NATO propagandist
- At the behest of the NATO, in September of 2005, a select group of world authorities on the psychology of terrorism met in the mountain village of Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy. The participants in this meeting included experts in psychology, psychiatry, political science, public policy, international law, criminology and political philosophy. Our charge was nothing less than to brainstorm toward a comprehensive statement of the real causes of terrorism, and to attempt to craft a meaningful plan by which NATO and all concerned nations may reduce that threat... We asked, and NATO's Security Through Science Programme generously granted our request. They supported our extraordinary Advanced Research Workshop on Social and Psychological Factors in the Genesis of Terrorism. These Proceedings are the result.[2]
- Panelist Jeffrey Victoroff, neuropsychiatrist at the University of Southern California, said the influx of Muslims into Western Europe "is a reverse of the crusade, and poses a terrible threat to the West. There has been a poorly-conceived response to that threat. But there is research that inter-group relationships can be modified. So my hypothesis is that terrorism can be reduced if you invest in modifying these terrible group relationships (between Muslims and non-Muslims)." Dr. Victoroff concluded, "We are in a very long conflict, and unless we win their hearts and minds in Western Europe, they will come and hurt us over here."[3]
- Director, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Social and Psychological Factors in the Genesis of Terrorism
- Principal Investigator, Psychological Correlates of Aggression among Children of the Intifada (Gaza)
- Member, U.N. Roster of Terrorism Experts
- Member, Organizing Committee, Madrid Summit on Terrorism (organised by the Club de Madrid)[4]
- Jeff Victoroff, “The Mind of the Terrorist: A Review and Critique of Psychological Approaches,” Journal of Conflict Resolution 49, No.1 (February 2005).
- Tangled Roots: Social and Psychological Factors in the Genesis of Terrorism, Ed. By Jeffrey Ivan Victoroff, NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Psychology and Terrorism, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, 14-17 September 2005. Published 2006 IOS Press[5]
- Victoroff, J., Qouta, S., Celinska, B. Abu-Safieh, R., Adelman, J. Stern, N. Sympathy for Terrorism: Possible Interaction Between Social, Emotional, and Neuroendocrine Risk Factors. In Victoroff, J. (Editor). Tangled Roots: Social and Psychological Factors in the Genesis of Terrorism. Pp. 227-234. Amsterdam: IOS Press 2006.
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- ↑ emphasis added,
- ↑ Election 2008 Experts Jeff Victoroff, accessed 31 May 2008.
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