Jebsen Center for Counter-Terrorism Studies

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The Jebsen Center for Counter-Terrorism Studies was established at The Fletcher School, Tufts University in September, 2005. Its 'mission is to increase the understanding and competency of counter-terrorism professionals.'[1] The Centre shut down in September 2008 saying that it had been a 'success', but that 'after an active three years of research, teaching, course development, policy guidance, and professional events' it would 'be closing its doors in September 2008.'[2]

Jebsen Center for Counter-Terrorism Studies closure announcement dated September 2008. retrieved from the Internet Archive of 19 December 2008 on 29 November 2014

Jebsen Center Staff

Brigadier General (Ret.) Russell Howard, Director | Paula Broadwell, Associate Director | Jeannine Lenehan, Staff Assistant | Andrea Walther, Graduate Research Assistant | Christian Westra, Graduate Research Assistant[3]

Jebsen Center Senior Fellows

Dr. Rohan Gunaratna, Jebsen Center Senior Fellow for Counter-Terrorism Studies | Dr. Zachary Abuza, Jebsen Center Senior Fellow for Counter-Terrorism Studies | Dr. Andrea Dew, Jebsen Center Senior Fellow for Counter-Terrorism Studies | John Ellis, Jebsen Center Senior Fellow for Counter-Terrorism Studies[4]

Jebsen Center Advisors

Affiliated Organizations



Web archive:


  1. Jebsen Center About Us, accessed 18 August 2009
  2. The Jebsen Center Jebsen Center to Close in September 2008. The Fletcher School, Tufts University. Retrieved from the Interet Archive of 2 November 2009 on 29 November 2014.
  3. Jebsen Center About Us, accessed 18 August 2009
  4. Jebsen Center About Us, accessed 18 August 2009
  5. Jebsen Center About Us, accessed 18 August 2009
  6. Jebsen Center About Us, accessed 18 August 2009