International Terrorism and Intelligence 2002

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International Terrorism and Intelligence 2002 was a conference hosted by the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence. It was held on 11 October 2002 at the Royal United Services Institute under Chatham House Rules.

The Programme

8.30 Registration and reception

9.00 Morning Session – Chairman’s opening remarks, Professor Paul Wilkinson, Director, Centre for the study of Terrorism and Political Violence

9.30 The operational art of Al-qaeda – the lessons of the military manuals. Dr Magnus Ranstorp, CSTPV. Followed by panel and floor discussion

10.30 Al-qaeda’s ‘Superbomb’ and its quest for WMD, Mike Boettcher, leading investigative reporter, CNN. Followed by panel and floor discussion

11.30 One year on: The nature of the threat the UK response. A Whitehall Official. Followed by panel and floor discussion

12.30 Lunch

1.30 Afternoon Session – Chairman’s opening remarks, Sir John Wheeler, Chairman of the UK Government Airport Security Review

1.40 A review of anti-terrorist policies and measures, Sir John Wheeler. Followed by panel and floor discussion

2.30 Intelligence lessons from the front line, Robert Baer, Former CIA Officer and author of ‘See No Evil’. Followed by panel and floor discussion

3.30 Afternoon break

3.40 Corporate security in the era of new threats. Nigel Churton, C.E.O. Control Risks Group. Followed by panel and floor discussion

4.30 Protecting the UK. The government response to September 11th and beyond. Alexander Fraser, Policy lead, Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, Home Office. Followed by panel and floor discussion

5.20 Opening Pandora’s box – balancing civil liberties and national security, Professor Paul Wilkinson, CSTPV. Followed by panel, floor discussion and closing remarks

6.00 Drinks reception with canapés [1]


  1. Copy of programme taken from URL: <> on 17 October 2008