Institute for Statecraft

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The Institute for Statecraft says it is an' independent' body 'dedicated to refreshing the practice of statecraft, to improving governance and to enhancing national security.' It claims to be 'free from financial, career path, commercial and political vested interests.'[1]

Counter radicalisation

The Institute is involved with the Active Change Foundation in delivering the Young Leaders Programme, a counter-terrorism programme funded, in part, by the Home Office Prevent programme. Some parts of this appear to be run in conjunction with Shared Outcomes a programme of the Institute for Statecraft.

According to Dan Lafayeedney of the Institute for Statecraft the British military have been involved in Prevent related activities including with or through the Active Change Foundation: [2]

In recent years the Armed Forces have taken the lead in developing ‘Youth Engagement’ projects in partnership with schools, local authorities, police forces and NGOs. These projects have demonstrated that the Armed Forces can make a significant contribution both to solving the problem of gangs and drug-related gang violence amongst inner city youth. This is acutely relevant to many other countries today. in the UK context, military youth engagement has proven very effective in countering radicalisation to violent extremism amongst at-risk young people in certain ethnic communities. This experience also has relevance in certain other countries. The cost-benefit to the State of preventing bad behaviour is difficult to quantify – but its value is self-evident... The Armed Forces have also been most successful in reaching out to Britain’s ethnic communities where some young people are at risk of radicalisation to violent extremism. The Active Change Foundation, which was set up by concerned elders of the Muslim communities in Waltham Forest after the 7/7 London bombings, is perhaps the best example. Plans are underway to extend this model to other communities around the country.




Chris Donnelly | Oliver McTernan | Celia Szusterman | Daniel Lafayeedney | [4]

Board of Advisers

Sir Dominic Asquith | Mr Anthony Bancroft-Cooke (Chair) Mr Nicholas Chance | Mr Richard Sermon | Sir Hew Strachan | Mr William Wells | [4]


Co-Director Chris Donnelly | Co-Director Dan Lafayeedney | Projects Officer Ian Perrin | Chief Finance Officer Robert Murphy | Company Secretary Burness Paull LLP | Accountants Smith & Williamson LLP [4]

Strategic Development

Chairman Charles Hart | Frederick Bristol | Harry Hart | Harry Lawson Johnston | Peter Mann | Enrique Sacau [4]


Kevin Abraham Senior Associate Fellow Societal Integration and Youth Engagement; Institutional Reform | Jack Agazarian Senior Fellow Institute Projects | Kamal Alam Fellow Middle East Region Defence and Security Issues Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon]] | David Allfrey Senior Associate Fellow The Contribution of Tourism and Culture to National Security; Broadening Support for the Defence Community | Anne Bader Senior Associate Fellow Public-Private Sector Collaboration on National Security Issues | Elaine Birch Ruffell | Senior Fellow National Security Leadership, Strategy and Architecture. | William Bortrick Senior Associate Fellow Diplomatic and Strategic Relations | Robin Brims Senior Fellow Reserve Forces and Cadets, Post-conflict Reconstruction, Education and Training | Ken Brower Senior Fellow Weapons Design, Comparative Military Capabilities | Audrius Butkevicius Senior Fellow Governance for National Security | David Clark Senior Fellow International Security; Transatlantic Relations; UK Foreign Policy; Eastern Europe| Samantha de Bendern Senior Fellow India and South Asia | Yusuf Desai Senior Fellow Societal Integration, Ethnic Communities; Youth Engagement | Kingsley Donaldson Senior Associate Fellow Security Sector Reform, Conflict Resolution | Rob Dover Senior Associate Fellow Defence Industry, Hyper-competition, Intelligence | Martin Edmonds Senior Associate Fellow Civil-military Relations | Stewart Eldon Senior Associate Fellow National Security and Deterrence in the 21st Century; The Effective Use of Non-kinetic Forms of Power | Dair Farrar-Hockley Senior Fellow Development of National Strategic Goals; Policing; Commercial Arbitration and Mediation | Maria Luisa Fichera Senior Associate Fellow The Interdependence between National Security, Law Enforcement & Justice: Immigration and organised Crime | Alex Finnen Senior Fellow Election Processes, Forensic Science Balkans, Levant, Mahgreb | Anthony Fitzherbert Senior Associate Fellow Rural Development Middle East , Central Asia | Babak Ganji Senior Fellow The History and Politics of the Middle East; US Diplomatic History; The Theory and Practice of Statecraft | David Gilbertson Senior Fellow Policing Reform | Roger Golland Senior Associate Fellow International Organised Crime; Strategic Planning | Jim Greene Senior Fellow Security Sector Reform, Civil-military Relations | Tom Hardie Forsyth Senior Fellow State Development, International Relations Kurdistan, Iraq, Turkey | Charles Hart Senior Associate Fellow Defence and Foreign Policy | Henry Hornyold-Strickland Senior Associate Fellow Institutional Reform | Shima Keene Senior Fellow The Economics of Terrorism, Insurgency and Organised Crime | Fatima Lahnait Senior Associate Fellow Empowering Ethnic Communities to Improve the Relationship between Parent and Host Societies Mahgreb | Julian Lindley-French Senior Fellow Strategic Relationships International Institutions | Tom Lloyd Senior Associate Fellow Law Enforcement and Drug Policy Reform | John Lough Senior Associate Fellow Russia and the CIS | Jeff McCausland Senior Associate Fellow Arms Control, Strategic Dialogue, Defence Reform | Victor Madeira Senior Fellow 21st Century National Security Architecture; History and Lessons Learned | Jahan Mahmood Senior Associate Fellow Shared Military Heritage | Peter Mason Senior Fellow Security, Strategy and Governance | Phil Matthews Senior Associate Fellow Anti-corruption; Counter-narcotics; Border Control; Surveillance and the Law; Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation | Mungo Melvin Senior Associate Fellow Strategic Leadership Development | Johanna Moehring Senior Fellow The Nature of Power in the 21st Century | Chris Nel Senior Fellow Leadership Coaching and Facilitation; Conflict Prevention and Resolution| Malik Niazi Senior Fellow Societies in Transition Afghanistan | Mike Packer Senior Associate Fellow Sustainability; Natural Capital Security; Environmental Governance | Chris Prebensen Senior Associate Fellow High North Issues NATO | Hanif Qadir Senior Associate Fellow Radicalisation and Counter-radicalisation, Trends in Terrorist Recruitment | Tim Reilly Senior Associate Fellow Arctic Issues | Alan Riley Senior Associate Fellow Energy Strategy and Energy Security European Union | Malcolm Russell Senior Fellow Governance and Political Reconciliation | Enrique Sacau Senior Associate Fellow Youth Engagement | Sebastian Seymour Fellow Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Security | Jonathan Shaw Senior Associate Fellow Governance for Strategy-making and for National Security; Cyber Security | James Sherr Senior Associate Fellow Russia, Eastern Europe and the CIS | Louise Sherwood Senior Fellow Communication and Human Security: Societal and Institutional Reform North Africa: Latin America | Lesley Simm Senior Associate Fellow Historical and Cultural Analysis and State Formation Horn of Africa;Wider Middle East | Lucy Stafford Fellow Popular Movements and Societal Development. Middle East and North Africa | Ignas Stankovicius Senior Associate Fellow International Security | Celia Szusterman Senior Fellow Latin America | Yusuf Tai Associate Fellow Societal Integration | Richard Titley Senior Fellow Governance for National Security | Martin Tomaszewski Senior Associate Fellow The City and UK National Security | Dan Ward Senior Associate Fellow Defence Acquisition | Angela White Senior Fellow Healthcare | Mark Winlow Senior Associate Fellow Economics and National Security [5]


Address: 2 Temple Place, London, WC2R 3BD


  1. Institute for Statecraft About Us. Accessed 26 December 2015.
  2. Dan Lafayeedney The Military’s Role in Building a Healthy Society Institute for Statecraft 28/03/2013. Accessed 26 December 2015.
  3. Institute for Statecraft NATO publications series. Accessed 26 December 2015.
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Institute for Statecraft Governance. Accessed 26 December 2015.
  5. Institute for Statecraft Fellows. Accessed 26 December 2015.