Ian Mukherjee

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Ian Mukherjee (born October 1962)[1] is the founder and Chief investment officer of Amiya Capital, a hedge fund which invests in emerging markets. [2]

He is also registered by The Electoral Commission as having donated to The In Campaign, the pro-EU group in the UK's EU referendum of June 2016.


Donated £20,000 on 3 June 2016 to Britain Stronger in Europe, the pro-EU campaign which failed to deliver a remain vote in the UK's EU referendum on 23 June 2016. [3]

Muhkerjee has also previously made donations to the Conservative Party.[4]


  1. Ian Mukherjee, 'Companies House', Accessed 7/10/2016
  2. 'David Cameron's Tories cash access', 12 November 2014, Daily Mirror, accessed 29 June 2016
  3. Electoral Commission, The In Campaign Donations, accessed 29 June 2016
  4. Jack Blanchard, David Cameron's Tories in 'cash for access' backlash as donors pay £50,000 to have 'Dinner with Dave', 'Mirror.co.uk', Accessed 7/0/2016