Hill and Knowlton, PRCA Yearbook 2004
- Wayne Fick
- 20 Soho Square
- London W1A 1PR
- Telephone: 020 7413 3000
- Fax: 0207 7413 3111
- Email: info@hillandknowlton.com
- Website: www.hillandknowlton.co.uk
Quality Assessment Achieved
- Consultancy Management Standard
- Investors in People
Business Commenced
- 1969
- 250+
Range of Services
With over 70 offices in 37 countries, H&K are part of one of the world's biggest consultancies within the WPP group. At Hill & Knowlton we believe we are the UK's largest and most successful creative agency. Our points of differentiation include our original and versatile 'best teams' approach, our ability to remain cutting edge and entrepreneurial despite our size and our range of proprietary tools. We pride ourselves on running individual practices as small agencies within the larger whole. This enables our clients to receive all the small boutique advantages combined with large agency resources. With experience in Financial; Technology; Sports Marketing & Sponsorship; Health & Pharmaceutical; Public & Corporate Affairs; Marketing Communications; Corporate & Business Communications; Netcoms; Issues & Crisis Consultancy; Professional & Financial Training - and across every sector - you won't find a more comprehensive range of strategic and creative communications services anywhere. We're passionate about smart thinking, creativity, business results and good old-fashioned service. And we think big
- our ambition is to redefine the practice of public relations to keep our -clients ahead in the 21st Century.
Fee Income
- Unable to disclose - Sarbanes Oxley Act
Current Clients
- Adidas
- ALFA Group
- Allied Bakeries
- Allied International Credit
- American Express
- AOL Time Warner
- AstraZeneca
- Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry
- Aventis
- B&Q
- Barclays
- Beverage Partners Worldwide
- Boots
- Boots Healthcare International
- BP
- British Brands Group
- British Energy
- British Horseracing Board (BHB)
- British Venture Capital Association
- Britvic
- BT
- BT Wholesale
- Camphells
- Celtic Manor
- Crookes Healthcare
- Cochlear
- Coors Brewing (Carling)
- DCIS Army
- Datingdirect.com
- Direct Line
- Direct Line Life
- Energy Saving Trust
- e-skills
- Esure
- Eurodough (Sarah Lee)
- Factiva
- Family Assurance
- Findus Frozen Foods
- First National
- FXall
- Galdema
- GE Capital Global Consumer Finance
- GE Frankona RE
- General Medical Council
- Gillette
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Government of Botswana and Debswana Diamond Company
- Government of the Maldives
- GreenGas Technologies
- GSM Association
- Gulf International Bank
- Halifax Car Insurance
- Hewlett Packard HP
- Hospitality Training Foundation
- ICN Pharma
- Institute of Chartered Accountants for England & Wales
- Isle of Capri Casinos Inc
- Janssen-Cilag
- Johnson & Johnson
- Kellogg's
- Kellogg's Europe
- Lasercard
- Latham & Watkins
- Learning and Skills Council
- Lego North Europe
- Lundbeck
- Marlow Foods (Quorn)
- McNeil (Benecol & Splenda)
- Merck & Co
- MG Mirage
- Microsoft EMEA
- Mitsui Babcock
- Monis
- Motorola
- National Football League
- Nestle
- Netklix.com
- Nominet
- 1& 1 Internet Ltd
- Packard Bell
- Pfizer
- PGA (Professional Golfer Association)
- Pharmion
- Pilsner Urquell (SABMiller)
- Popworld Magazine
- Public Fundraising Regulatory Association
- Quarry Products Association
- Quorn
- Roche UK
- Rugby Football Union
- S Three
- Servier
- Singulair
- SportAccord
- Storagetek
- Swivel Technologies Ltd
- UBS Group
- United Biscuits
- United European Gastroenterology Federation (UEGW)
- Universitas 21
- Volvo
- * = client retained for more than three years
- ** = client retained for more than five years
Ad Hoc Clients
- N/A