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This article is part of the Undercover Research Portal at Powerbase - investigating corporate and police spying on activists

Part of a series on
undercover police officers
Male silhouette.png
Alias: unknown
Deployment: {{{DatesDeployed}}}

HN28 is the cipher given to a former undercover police officer with the Special Demonstration Squad. For the N cipher system see N officers page. They were deployed in the last 15 years of the SDS existence (1991-2006).

In the Undercover Policing Inquiry

19 April 2018: The MPS had been directed to file anonymity application by 24/27 April 2018, including for that of HN28.[1]

On 23 May 2018: The Inquiry stated:[2]

HN28 was deployed against two groups and reported on others in the last 15 years of the existence of the SOS. If the true identity were to be discovered by members of them or their associates and sympathisers, HN28 would be at real risk of serious violence. Nothing in the nature of the deployment or of what is known about HN28's conduct of it could justify running that risk. Publication of the cover name alone would give rise to some risk of the discovery of the real name of HN28. Articles 2 ('right to life') and 3 ECHR are not engaged, because the risk of violence is contingent not immediate, but Article 8 is. Publication of the real or cover name is not necessary to permit the Inquiry to fulfil its terms of reference. It would interfere with the right of HN28 to respect for an aspect of private and family life - physical integrity - and would not be justified under Article 8 (2). A closed note accompanies these reasons.

9 July 2018: It was directed that any objections to Mitting's intention to restrict the real name to be made by 20 July 2018.[3]

30 July 2018: The final ruling was made that real and cover name cannot be published.[4]
