Glasgow City Marketing Bureau
Glasgow: Scotland with style
Glasgow City Marketing Bureau (GCMB) coined the phrase Glasgow: Scotland with style[1] which has been seen everywhere from a hot air balloon to a yacht which took part in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race 07-08.
Key Personnel
The following key personnel ensure that culture and sport are an integral part of Glasgow's marketing strategy and vice versa:
- Chair: Steven Purcell, Leader Glasgow City Council; Board Culture and Sport Glasgow
- Vice Chair: Bailie Liz Cameron, Chair of Board Culture and Sport Glasgow
- Chief Executive: Scott Taylor
Glasgow's Tourism Strategy to 2016
In 2005, tourism to Glasgow was estimated at 2.8 million visitors spending £700m. Co-authors, with Glasgow City Council, Scottish Enterprise and VisitScotland, GCMB published a strategy to develop the level of tourist revenue by a minimum of 60% over a decade, welcomng four million tourists to the city every year by 2016.[2] In order to achieve this target, a major events strategy has been put together which includes the Commonwealth Games 2014, Arena at the Scottish Exhibitions and Conference Centre (SECC) and a new Riverside Museum designed by Zaha Hadid. Increased investment in the brand Glasgow: Scotland with style is also key to the strategy.
Hoping to capitalise on Glasgow's changing labour market, the strategy proposes to develop 'a service excellence culture across all aspects of the tourist experience.'[3] In describing its product (Glasgow), the strategy draws attention to the city's potential for shopping, conferences and events. It namechecks Culture and Sport Glasgow for delivering the events that draws cultural tourists to contribute £503.6m to the city's economy, with particular reference to Kelvingrove Museum and Trongate 103, the arts complex being renovated/branded as part of the redevelopment of Merchant City.
The group steering this strategy benefits from input by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and dovetails neatly with plans for economic development in the city.
- ↑ Glasgow: Scotland with Style Brand Guide Media:Glasgow_Scotland_with_style_-_The_City_Brand_SEPTE.pdf
- ↑ Glasgow's Tourism Strategy to 2016Co-published by Glasgow City Marketing Bureau, Glasgow City Council, Scottish Enterprise and VisitScotland, 2007 (accessed 4 April 2008)
- ↑ Ibid, 12.