Fred Gluckman

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Fred Gluckman is Senior Vice President and CFO of the Saban Capital Group, Inc:

Mr. Gluckman is responsible for Saban Capital Group's financial affairs including accounting and tax structuring, diligence, and reporting of the company's public and private investments. In addition, Mr. Gluckman oversees the company's Human Resources and Information Technology departments.
Mr. Gluckman's experience prior to Saban Capital includes international and domestic tax advisory work in the London and Southern California practices of Deloitte, advising clients in the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the US.
Mr. Gluckman holds a BS in Economics from Wharton Business School and spent a year studying at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.[1]

The chairman and CEO of Saban Capital Group is Haim Saban Israeli-American media-mogul, billionaire and one of the greatest contributors to the campaigns of pro-Israel politicians in the United States.

Gluckman is a former national board member of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces.





  1. Saban Capital Group Website [ Fred Gluckman Senior Vice President and CFO]. Accessed 23 March 2015.