Ernesto Zedillo

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Ernesto Zedillo is a former Mexican president (1994-2000) and an economist who sits on the boards of a number of companies and banks. He is currently Director of the Center for the Study of Globalization at Yale University and director of Citigroup and Alcoa.

Board memberships as of Feb 2012

Diplomatic positions

According to Yale University:

Mexican Politician and President

According to his Alcoa Directors profile:

Mr. Zedillo earned his Bachelor’s degree from the School of Economics of the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico and his M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. at Yale University. In Mexico, he taught economics at the National Polytechnic Institute and El Colegio de Mexico. From 1978-1987 he was with the central bank of Mexico where he served as deputy manager of economic research and deputy director. From 1983 to 1987, he was the founding General Director of the Trust Fund for the Coverage of Exchange Risks, a mechanism created to manage the rescheduling of the foreign debt of the country’s private sector that involved negotiations and complex financial operations with hundreds of firms and international banks. He served in the Federal Government of Mexico as Undersecretary of the Budget (1987-1988); as Secretary of Economic Programming and the Budget and board member of various state owned enterprises, including PEMEX, Mexico’s national oil company (1988-1992); and as Secretary of Education (1992-1993). He was elected President of Mexico in August of 1994; his term ran from December of 1994 to December of 2000.[5]

Academic positions


Recieved the Sustainable Development Leadership Award, presented by R.K. Pachauri on behalf of the Energy Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi in 2006.[7]


Edited and wrote introduction to The Future of Globalization: Explorations in Light of Recent Turbulence (Routledge, 2008).
Edited and wrote the introduction to Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto Brookings Institution Press and Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, 2008.[8]



Yale University Profile Alcoa profile


  1. Yale University, Center for the Study of Globalization Ernesto Zedillo Accessed 20/02/2012
  2. Alcoa website, Governance, Directors Ernesto Zedillo Accessed 20/02/2012
  3. Yale University, Center for the Study of Globalization Ernesto Zedillo Accessed 20/02/2012
  4. Yale University, Center for the Study of Globalization Ernesto Zedillo Accessed 20/02/2012
  5. Alcoa website, Governance, Directors Ernesto Zedillo Accessed 20/02/2012
  6. Alcoa website, Governance, Directors Ernesto Zedillo Accessed 20/02/2012
  7. Yale University, Center for the Study of Globalization Ernesto Zedillo Accessed 20/02/2012
  8. Yale University, Center for the Study of Globalization Ernesto Zedillo Accessed 20/02/2012