CNP Assurances

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CNP Assurances (Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance) is a Paris-based insurance corporation founded in 1959.

Revolving Door

Xavier Larnaudie-Eiffel, a Managing Director and Director of International Affairs since July 2007 was Principal Private Secretary to the French European Commissioner for economy and monetary affairs from 1995 to 2000.[1]

Andre-Laurent Michelson, a director since 2007, is a former French civil servant who was appointed Director of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry in 1998 and assigned to the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry in 2002.[2]

Xavier Musca has been the Representative of the French State on the Board of Directors of CNP Assurances SA since July 2007.[3]


Revolving Door.jpg This article is part of the Revolving Door project of Spinwatch.



  1. Reuters, CNP Assurances S.A. (CNPP.PA)], accessed 03 January 2011.
  2. Bloomberg Businessweek, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, accessed 03 January 2011.
  3. Reuters, CNP Assurances S.A. (CNPP.PA)], accessed 03 January 2011.