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Avpixlat logo circa 2015, Credit: Avpixlat

Avpixlat is a Swedish website which has been described as an 'infamous hate site' with a 'strongly anti-immigrant bias'.[1]


The website was launched in October 2011. It was reportedly registered by far-right Sweden Democrats politician Kent Ekeroth.[2] The predecessor site was called politisktinkorrect.info.[3]

According to British organisation Hope Not Hate, Avpixlat.info was the name of a website it identified as the Svenska Forum mot Islamisering (Swedish Forum against Islamisation) or FOMI, which it said claimed to be a 'sister blog' to www.imittsverige.blogspot.com and described as being 'linked to the Sweden Democrats' and run by a man using the alias Reinhard.[4]


The Local reports:

The site's name translates into English as 'unpixelated', but is also a Swedish colloquialism meaning to 'reveal' or 'unmask"'and one of the most common recurring themes on the site is publish photos of suspected criminals of foreign origin. The website furthermore contains material which echoes the Sweden Democrats party's negative line on immigration, multicultural society, and the mainstream Swedish media.[3]


As well as registering the site, Kent Ekeroth was revealed by the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet to have channeled around 226,540 Swedish kronor ($35,000) to the site via his bank account and was sent a tax bill by the Swedish tax agency as a result.

The newspaper's name-and-shame list of donors to the xenophobic Avpixlat site included doctors, psychologists, entrepreneurs, and researchers. Two top Swedish businessmen - one at the telecom giant Ericsson, the other at industrial giant Sandvik were also outed.[5]




  1. Swedish magnates fund infamous 'hate site', The Local, 23 October 2013, accessed 16 February 2015.
  2. Website touts ruse to turn in illegal immigrants, The Local, 25 January 2012
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Sweden Democrat has close ties to far-right site, 27 June 2013, accessed 16 February 2015
  4. Hope Not Hate, Svenska Forum mot Islamisering, Counterjihad report: Sweden, accessed 16 February 2015
  5. Tax bill for politician's ties to far-right site, The Local, 19 June 2013, accessed February and November 2015