Andrew J. Garfield

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Andrew Garfield is the Vice President of Glevum Associates, a Washington DC-based strategic communications company.


Biographical note for Andrew J. Garfield from the Journal of Information Warfare Volume 1 Issue 3, edited by Douglas Dearth and Philip Taylor, 2002, p. vi

Garfield served as a British military then senior civilian intelligence officer, finishing his government service as a senior policy adviser in the UK Ministry of Defense. Mr. Garfield has deep and extensive IO & PSYOP experience, which included becoming the UK Defense Intelligence Staff's first IO Staff Officer. He also lectures extensively in the UK and USA (including for the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Naval Postgraduate School and 4th Psychological Operations Group) on these topics. He has also undertaken extensive research and lectured on counter insurgency and counter terrorism for the DoD, DHS and US Intelligence Community. Mr. Garfield is also the Deputy Director of International Policy Institute at King's College London and is a Senior Fellow of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia.

Garfield, a Senior Fellow of the Foreign Policy Research Institute and European Director of the Terrorism Research Center (TRC) in Washington, DC., is "currently directing a New FPRI project on post-conflict reconstruction, undertaken in cooperation with the Terrorism Research Center and King’s College." [1]

Garfield seems to have been based at Kings College in London, where he was listed as Andrew Garfield (Director, International Centre for Security Analysis) on the Kings College website in 2002. In September 2006 he published an article on the Invasion of Iraq on the American Diplomacy website. His biog at that point read as follows:

Andrew Garfield, a Senior Fellow at the FPRI, is a former European director of the Terrorism Research Center, deputy director of International Policy Institute (IPI) at King's College London, and senior director of Influence and Insight for the Lincoln Group. Mr. Garfield is also a former senior British military then civilian intelligence officer and former senior policy advisor at the UK Ministry of Defense. This monograph is also available online at, along with the report on which it is based.

Lincoln Group

Andrew Garfield worked at the Lincoln Group the PR firm which undertakes psyops in Iraq. It isa difficult to find any trace of Garfield's role at the Lincoln Group, but here is an excerpt from a Washington Post article:

The Lincoln Group even has a "senior director for insight and influence." His name is Andrew Garfield. Over lunch near the group's Pennsylvania Avenue offices, he also tries to steer the lexicon at play around the table and to clarify what he calls the "tradecraft" of "influence."
Take "psyops," for instance. That's short for "psychological operations." Like the word "propaganda," it, too, conjures mystery, deception.
But that's not what the Lincoln Group does, says Garfield. The company has been contracted by a psyops division of the U.S. military, but Garfield insists that Lincoln's work cannot be considered psyops. That word, Garfield protests, refers to a military operation. And Garfield is very familiar with military psyops, as he is a former British military and intelligence official who regularly teaches a course at the U.S. Army base at Fort Bragg -- a course on ... psyops.

Garfield's role at Lincoln seems not to be evident on the website of the Lincoln Group, even in the older versions on the Web Archive.


